Pression pass

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RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
I did the precessional pass tournament yesterday. I did enjoy it but there were a few things that we as refs thought could be improved. This is this email I sent to them last night when I got home - sorry did any errors - just copied from email - what are your thoughts:


I would like to give you some feedback on how I personally felt the event went today.

When I arrived the car park was rammed and there were no stewards in the car park directing cars to spare spots. As officials as part of the tournament it would have been nice to have allocated parking and not SQUEEZE in between a very badly parked camper van and a car.

I was not told which entrance to go to prior to arrival so had to guess, and got told I was in the wrong entrance and had to go elsewhere.

Greeting the referee is an important aspect of 1st impressions. I heard someone tell the member of staff for me to go to the dug out. Seconds later I was there and no one was there to greet me. I had to wait to be greeted, not the best start.

Experience tells me tournaments never run on time, so why we had to be there at 1430 I don't know when our 1st game was not until closer to 1530. I was told on the phone there will be a referees briefing to clarify anything before we started. This happened out on the pitch seconds before the 1st game and only when we asked for it, and it was very rushed because the morning session had over run SO MUCH. No one seemed to be bothered we were there until seconds before KO. Shocking really.

We were told that a klaxon would start and finish each game. This REALLY didn't work, for a number of reasons, 1. Someone in the crowd also had a horn, which was of putting, 2. If both teams were ready to start and we were already behind time we had to wait for the klaxon, wasting time, also, if to read the LoTG, which I'm sure you would have done, THE REFEREE IS THE SOLE TIME KEEPER. I ended up running my pitch when I wanted, when both teams were ready, I started, didn't worry about the klaxon, no
One complained.

As referees we need food and drink to keep us going. We had to as good a beg for a drink mid afternoon, and it was only after the 2 occasion that we each got a bottle of water. No one asked us if we wanted more, or said where we can get more if we needed it. It was a hit afternoon, so this would have been nice.

Now we come into the food situation. SHOCKING. We kept asking how and when we get it. We finally get told that it will be after the quarter finals. I ref a game, and I went to get my food, AND THEY HAD CLOSED. I didn't know what to say or do. Nothing reserved, no PLAN B, nothing.

We then come in the the extreme lack of 1st aiders. Now looking at the programme there were over 500 players there today. Now, as you are the organiser, if you are not legally, you should have some moral responsibility to have qualified 1st aiders there, like St Johns. I have NEVER been to a tournament where there has not been a 1st aid tent. With that number of kids, I would strongly recommend having a minimum of 10-12 1st aiders there.

I was shocked to see that no one was standing /with the child who was injured at the end of the day. I would have thought someone would be there supporting the child and trying to chase up the ambulance and getting the child some support. It looked like, from an outsider, that you didn't care.

Dave Evans
Level 7 referee
Registered with Kent FA
A&H International
Sounds more than a little shoddy. No first aiders? Poor food and drink availability?

My thoughts are service before self to be honest. I apologise if this appears harsh but this email says that the tournament was all about you. You are invited as a referee for the tournament and as such you are a guest. You are not the most important person there, the 500 players and their families and the organisers are important. You asked for thoughts, mine are in bold...

I would like to give you some feedback on how I personally felt the event went today.
If feedback isn't requested then don't give it. Feedback is a gift and unwanted gifts often offend

When I arrived the car park was rammed and there were no stewards in the car park directing cars to spare spots. As officials as part of the tournament it would have been nice to have allocated parking and not SQUEEZE in between a very badly parked camper van and a car.
A bit of homework on the venue wouldn't have gone amiss here. Checking on the parking arrangements before going to the tournament might have helped you decide to go on public transport or get a lift there and get picked up afterwards.

I was not told which entrance to go to prior to arrival so had to guess, and got told I was in the wrong entrance and had to go elsewhere.
A bit of homework on the tournament, asking which entrance or if there was more than one entrance might have avoided this embarrassment. Let's face it though, having to go to a different entrance is no biggie is it really?

Greeting the referee is an important aspect of 1st impressions. I heard someone tell the member of staff for me to go to the dug out. Seconds later I was there and no one was there to greet me. I had to wait to be greeted, not the best start.
The greeting BY the referee is an important aspect of 1st impressions. Waiting around at tournaments is quite normal as they rarely run like clockwork.

Experience tells me tournaments never run on time, so why we had to be there at 1430 I don't know when our 1st game was not until closer to 1530. I was told on the phone there will be a referees briefing to clarify anything before we started. This happened out on the pitch seconds before the 1st game and only when we asked for it, and it was very rushed because the morning session had over run SO MUCH. No one seemed to be bothered we were there until seconds before KO. Shocking really.
You know that tournaments don't run on time? OK, so why complain about having to wait? If you knew there was to be a pre-match briefing, why not be pro-active and ask someone what time it will be? The organisers have a lot to think about and it's possible it slipped their mind. "Shocking really"? No what's shocking is your arrogance regarding this tournament.

We were told that a klaxon would start and finish each game. This REALLY didn't work, for a number of reasons, 1. Someone in the crowd also had a horn, which was of putting, 2. If both teams were ready to start and we were already behind time we had to wait for the klaxon, wasting time, also, if to read the LoTG, which I'm sure you would have done, THE REFEREE IS THE SOLE TIME KEEPER. I ended up running my pitch when I wanted, when both teams were ready, I started, didn't worry about the klaxon, no One complained.
Someone had a horn in the crowd? Maybe it would have been a good idea to approach a tournament official the first time they used it and ask them to get the person to stop using it as it was causing a problem. The competition had rules in place for running the games and you don't appear to have wanted to stick to them. Well done for quoting Law 5, I'm sure you have endeared yourself to the tournament organisers who have probably worked for 10 months to get their tournament running to the best standard they could with the resources available.

As referees we need food and drink to keep us going. We had to as good a beg for a drink mid afternoon, and it was only after the 2 occasion that we each got a bottle of water. No one asked us if we wanted more, or said where we can get more if we needed it. It was a hit afternoon, so this would have been nice.
Did you receive the food and water for free? If you go to a tournament, why expect the organisers to provide everything for you? Even if an organiser promises water, you should always take your own supplies in case you don't have time to get to the area where they are being dispensed or they run out supplying the other people at the tournament.

Now we come into the food situation. SHOCKING. We kept asking how and when we get it. We finally get told that it will be after the quarter finals. I ref a game, and I went to get my food, AND THEY HAD CLOSED. I didn't know what to say or do. Nothing reserved, no PLAN B, nothing.
"SHOCKING" Please see comment above about arrogance. rest of your comments ditto.

We then come in the the extreme lack of 1st aiders. Now looking at the programme there were over 500 players there today. Now, as you are the organiser, if you are not legally, you should have some moral responsibility to have qualified 1st aiders there, like St Johns. I have NEVER been to a tournament where there has not been a 1st aid tent. With that number of kids, I would strongly recommend having a minimum of 10-12 1st aiders there.
Finally a valid point however it could have been couched in softer terms.

I was shocked to see that no one was standing /with the child who was injured at the end of the day. I would have thought someone would be there supporting the child and trying to chase up the ambulance and getting the child some support. It looked like, from an outsider, that you didn't care.
Did the child travel to the tournament alone? Did it not have a coach/parent/guardian, etc. responsible for its welfare? How do you know the child needed an ambulance? How do you know that someone wasn't chasing up an ambulance? "It looked like, from an outsider, that you didn't care" That's a pretty insulting thing to say to a tournament organiser. If I was the organiser of this tournament, I would probably have another role in football, such as club secretary, referee, possibly even club chairman. If you sent me this text in an email I would make sure that your comments were passed on but not in the way you think.

I don't think you will be asked to help at this tournament next season.
I've just checked, was this the Precision Pass tournament at The Valley? You refereed a tournament at The Valley and you are complaining? Give me strength.
Nothing like a nice gentle bit of guidance to a less experienced colleague.....oh wait, it's Brian!

Is it really necessary to be so abrasive and belittling to a fellow ref?
Nothing like a nice gentle bit of guidance to a less experienced colleague.....oh wait, it's Brian!

Is it really necessary to be so abrasive and belittling to a fellow ref?
Thanks for your comment Padfoot. If I had been the organiser of this tournament I would have been appalled to receive the email above. I may have even been moved to complain to the County FA.
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