Junior/Youth first time reffing junior football


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
I have my first assignment to a junior football match this Saturday, an U12 girls game in a county cup, and have read up on the different laws and competition rules but not feeling as confident as I am with open age football.

Any hints and advice would be welcome! Especially with discipline and managing coaches/parents, usually it's just 30 players I have to cope with...
A&H International
A major difference between adults and kids football is the lack of cynicism in their game.
In general any fouls committed will be clumsy and mistimed rather than cynical attempts to take a player out. Game will be less physical and they won’t be able to kick the ball as far or as fast, so take that into consideration on positioning for goal kicks for example.
Unless you get gobby parents that think that their daughter is going to be the next Ellen White, then all should be fine. Just remember that if the parents go over the top, don’t engage them directly, make it the home teams coach’s problem, they are responsible for sorting it out, not you.
Do t worry about the sidelines, you’re there to referee the children, not the adults. A good junior grass roots game can do wonders for you reminding you where it all begins. You may find yourself offering pointers to the players and they will listen and take it on board. I would make it clear what your threshold is for foul throws early on.