"But I got the ball Ref!"

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That doesn't matter. It's still a foul!
Level 5 Referee
... also add in "I thought football was a contact sport?" and plenty of other variations.

We've all heard them, probably numerous times this weekend alone. Do any of you have sone quick and simple responses that you have built up over the many combined years of experience?

My current ones are those below, but as it is a well used phrase some variety would be good!

- Getting the ball does not mean it wasn't a foul.
- You may have got the ball, but you then went through the player - that was careless/reckless*
A&H International
There are obviously different variants of this, including the one where a player lunges and gets nothing but the ball, but in a manner we have to deal with (often the hardest ones to explain / sell).

The most frequent though, is the one where there is ball and player and the claim is 'I got the ball' or 'look where the ball went'.

I find something like 'I agree you got the ball, but you got too much player as well' can help. It doesn't contradict the player, but it explains.
Same as above tbh, " yes I can see you got the ball, but you went through the back of the player to get it"

also a bit riskier and needs used more careful as you dont want to urinate on your badge but

" yes you did, ten years ago we play on, but todays game has changed"


" i dont like to penalise that tackle either, but the laws say i need to give it"

both offer empthay, whilst also * hopefully correctly* awarding a fk.
I’m still a fairly new ref, so can’t contribute years of experience. But I’ve got a few go-tos. I don’t even bother explaining the detail of the law because I’m yet to meet a player who actually cares.

“Got the ball ref”
Got the player too
Your challenge was dangerous

“it’s a contact sport ref”
Shoulder to shoulder is fine but that’s in the back
You can’t charge at your opponent
You didn’t go for the ball

“Ref that’s soft”
“I didnt touch him ref”
Well let go of his shirt/arm and I can’t give it

I try to set the bar of what I’m allowing to go and what I’m calling a foul from the very first whistle. If it’s a stop start first five minutes that fine with me. They quickly realise.
i got the ball ref.

I say “and the player‘

by the time he has thought about what I said, I’m already 30 yards away and restarting play !
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