Practice theory exams?

Murri O

Well-Known Member
Sat in what we call a 'Level 2' referees seminar on Saturday here in Australia. The qualification is to enable you to do any level in Australia barring the top rung. IE the A-League.

The course is part of an all year assessment with coursework to be completed and match assessments.

There were 2 assessable components in the seminar. A video exam and a theory exam.

The video exam showed 20 match incidents. You had to determine whether it was no foul, IDK, FK or PK. And then whether there was no card, YC or RC. A lot of DOGSO and SPA examples shown. Pass mark was 16 out of 20.

The theory component was a 20 question, multiple choice exam. To me and the other 8 participants was extremely difficult with not a single person passing. (We have 2 more opportunities to pass.)

An example of the scenario we had to consider was a player is subbed off and punches the opposing manager what is the sanction and what is the restart. (Red card for both, Red card for one YC for the other. Restart from where the ball was, from the nearest line from where the incident occurred etc.)

Basically the majority of questions from really, really, unlikely situations or once in a career occurrences. As it was explained to me they're chasing referees who have an extremely sophisticated understanding of the laws which is fair enough.

My only issue was being blindsided by the difficulty. So I can practice for the resit are there online resources and/or practice exams with these sort of high level difficult questions.

Thank in advance.
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A&H International
I'm fairly certain you need level 1 for second tier (NPL1) as well. There is also the practical where you have to pass 2 assessments.

When I did my level 2 (and level 1) there was a written exam as well.

There are quizzes here that you can use for practice.

Don't rely on all answers being correct.
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Before the test, can you ask for a frame of reference of the host of the matches?

This way, knowing which host, you'd know whether to go by the LOTG or the owner wants a different outcome changing your answers.
Before the test, can you ask for a frame of reference of the host of the matches?

This way, knowing which host, you'd know whether to go by the LOTG or the owner wants a different outcome changing your answers.

Was told to swot up on law 11 and 12 for the resit.
You may be right about that. All I know is you couldn't do the top tier with that qualification. NPL1 makes sense as well.
I'm fairly certain you need level 1 for second tier (NPL1) as well. There is also the practical where you have to pass 2 assessments.

When I did my level 2 (and level 1) there was a written exam as well.

There are quizzes here that you can use for practice.

Don't rely on all answers being correct.

Getting this when I try and use the links you posted. 1639455661716.png