Half Time Whistle


RefChat Addict
A refereeing friend of mine told me a manager had a go at him the other day for an unlikely reason, my friend blew the half time whistle thrice!

The manager said his players thought it was full time and the ref was trying to confuse them! Even if it was an U10 game, this feels a stretch. My friend is well renowned as a bullshitter so he could be exaggerating this story. Seeing as I wasn’t there for it, I won’t focus on that.

However, it got me thinking. The Laws don’t specify anything. I reckon I’ve blown 3 times for half time before, I’ve just never given it any thought. How do you guys blow? (For Half Time)
A&H International
Oh for Pete’s sake. Some people will argue about anything.

there is nothing in the magic book about how many times to whistle. Nothing.

Most commonly, I think, refs blow twice for half and thrice for full time. But some refs have idiosyncrasies on this and I think in some places other varieties are more common.

the coach should be embarrassed for even saying that out loud.
I blow 3 times at the end of each half just because I've never thought about it.

I think you're friend is living upto his reputation. No way did this chaps players get confused and believe it was full time! Do they think when you blew to start the first half that it may have been the 2nd half? Bizzare
A refereeing friend of mine told me a manager had a go at him the other day for an unlikely reason, my friend blew the half time whistle thrice!

The manager said his players thought it was full time and the ref was trying to confuse them! Even if it was an U10 game, this feels a stretch. My friend is well renowned as a bullshitter so he could be exaggerating this story. Seeing as I wasn’t there for it, I won’t focus on that.

However, it got me thinking. The Laws don’t specify anything. I reckon I’ve blown 3 times for half time before, I’ve just never given it any thought. How do you guys blow? (For Half Time)

Varies for me, its whatever you are comfy with and as long as it gets your mesage across
Sometimes i dont even blow for halftime,

sometimes if its a major game or been dramatic, i might over emphasise the end whistles, sometimes if its a 7-0 and everyone wants to go home, just a short quick double blast.

Back to the op tho, if the players in the game thought halftime was fulltime then i dont even know where to begin on that.
I’ve got a couple of friends that blow thrice at HT. Sorry, but it sounds and feels all wrong to me.

Still, some players/ coaches are so crazed they will unearth the most bizarre nuggets to try and undermine you!
Surely the coach would be better of learning the lotg rather then moaning about something like that.

but I normally do 2 at half-time but often forget and do 3
What do you do if it quarters though
Surely the coach would be better of learning the lotg rather then moaning about something like that.

but I normally do 2 at half-time but often forget and do 3
What do you do if it quarters though
For quarters just complete the first three with a clear "End of session" whistle, and the fourth with an "end of game" whistle.
Add an arm signal if you wish.
The number of blasts is not laid down anywhere.
Cant say its a subject I have given any serious thought, but Trust me, I will be doing now, before my next Game on Sunday Morning
I think the "tradition" has always been multiple whistles = half/full time.

Two is usually what I've heard most referees go with. Some do three for full time.
I won't be surprised if the coach moaned about it. But I'd like to know which is worse, the coach in OP or the assessor who put it in my assessment report , half time is two whistles not three. Mind you this was well over a decade ago earlier in my career.
I won't be surprised if the coach moaned about it. But I'd like to know which is worse, the coach in OP or the assessor who put it in my assessment report , half time is two whistles not three. Mind you this was well over a decade ago earlier in my career.

Good grief. These are the kind of assessors who need to move on and do something else . . . I'm not really that interested in assessing, but sometimes I think I owe it to the Game to take it up just so dinosaurs don't keep hanging on and doing a disservice to referees. . . .
Was there much else in the report? We used to have one who'd slate you because the ribs on your socks weren't straight. However, he used to do that if he couldn't find anything else to mark you down for. If he mentioned it you knew you'd had a good game.
Good grief. These are the kind of assessors who need to move on and do something else . . . I'm not really that interested in assessing, but sometimes I think I owe it to the Game to take it up just so dinosaurs don't keep hanging on and doing a disservice to referees. . . .
As shown, it was back in the Noughties.
In my county every observation of a promotion candidate is sent by the observer to the Observer Coordinator and the RDO before being passed to the referee, and any comment of that nature would be referred back to the observer for removal.
I've always done the same for half time and full time and no one has ever mentioned it. Two shorter pips followed by a longer blast. I did for a while do a Mike Dean style theatrical arms in the air then pointing at the centre circle, but stopped after an assessor spent 5 minutes of the debrief laughing at me for it.
Was there much else in the report? We used to have one who'd slate you because the ribs on your socks weren't straight. However, he used to do that if he couldn't find anything else to mark you down for. If he mentioned it you knew you'd had a good game.
It was a long time ago and I don't remember much of it but from what I remember yes there was a lot of basic stuff and much of other pedant. But this one stood out. I did speak to my technical director at the time and he agreed with me in terms of it being pedantic etc.