New ref at 59!


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi everyone. Thought this might be a good idea to get out of being an assistant referee each week for my U13 son in youth football! However, I now have the dread that most of you had at whatever age I guess. I'm still brushing up on the laws before my first game and wondered whether there is a pocket hard copy of the LOTG I can cart around to look at in my spare time?
A&H International
Why not download the app on your phone. If you are like me you take you phone everywhere but if a hard copy works better for you then that's the way to go. Or maybe both.
Oh wow thanks. Just found it. Better than scrolling through Facebook of an evening! Is there an app for this site? I could waste even more time then!
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Oh wow thanks. Just found it. Better than scrolling through Facebook of an evening! Is there an app for this site? I could waste even more time then!
Yes. There is an app. I like the PDF format myself as can search the document then.