Abusive language and dissent


New Member
Level 7 Referee
1. Blue player fouls Red Player. Blue player complaints are worthy of a dissent YC in my opinion . I start ushering the blue player to issue the YC and he shouts "That was never an f*****g foul ref....you f*****g pr***k!" at which point I change to a RC for abusive language. As there was very little gap between his statements I took it as directed at me, although he stated that it was aimed at the opposition player. I didn't rescind or change my decision because a) I still heard it as though is was directed at me and b) its still abusive language no matter who its directed at. Correct?

2. I'd be interest how other refs would deal with comments such as "you're doing this for a dare aren't you ref" or "you're clearly not qualified for this"? I warned the players in question but if anything this appeared to fan the flames. Worthy of a dissent yellow next time?
A&H International
1. Blue player fouls Red Player. Blue player complaints are worthy of a dissent YC in my opinion . I start ushering the blue player to issue the YC and he shouts "That was never an f*****g foul ref....you f*****g pr***k!" at which point I change to a RC for abusive language. As there was very little gap between his statements I took it as directed at me, although he stated that it was aimed at the opposition player. I didn't rescind or change my decision because a) I still heard it as though is was directed at me and b) its still abusive language no matter who its directed at. Correct?

2. I'd be interest how other refs would deal with comments such as "you're doing this for a dare aren't you ref" or "you're clearly not qualified for this"? I warned the players in question but if anything this appeared to fan the flames. Worthy of a dissent yellow next time?
1. Yes red card especially if directed at you. But it's still an offence whomever it is directed at.

2. Most likely dissent for me.
1. Correct. Red card.
2. Yes, dissent.

Both, especially 2 are context dependent and other factors matter. Tone, how loud, atmosphere of the game, lead up...

I can't help but wonder if this is something that should have been dealt with using a card or strong bollocking earlier in the game. Something for you to reflect on.

There is a difference between a player having a moan and a player undermining your authority or disrespecting you. It very much sounded the latter here.
"you're doing this for a dare aren't you ref" or "you're clearly not qualified for this"?
Don't worry too much about this sort of nonsense. They're just probing you for weakness
Ideally, you're a stand-up comedian and can handle the hecklers in that fashion. Or you can pretend you haven't heard. Or, if the same player is going too far, the expected reaction is the 'stepped approach'
It takes a lot of games and experience, but eventually we stop believing the nonsense they all spout. Just go to any game and listen to what's being said. 90% of it is utter tripe. So you can bet your life, at least that ratio of din aimed at you is equal diarrhoea
That's football
I had one off for S6 yesterday towards an opponent. Grotesque language with an extraordinary report to go with it.

If it isn’t dealt with, it will never improve.
The simple fact being, behaviour primarily stems from copying what's seen on TV
Campaigns like RESPECT have no chance as long as that remains the case
That was never a foul ref, yep hear that every game. But as soon as they add you f pr1ck it is definitely aimed at you and can only be a red. At that point the majority of his team mates will ask him why he’s so stupid
Very funny comment from a player yesterday
Nothing throw-in decision on half way. TBF, I might have got it wrong
Player shouts, "that's the worst bit of Refereeing I've ever seen!'
Dissent? No. Some reactions are so stupid, you just have to laugh
There was some despairing swear words from me with players from both teams chuckling at my stupor :wtf:
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I had to tell a player off on Saturday for appealing too quickly! Angry appeal for a foul when I was looking to see if the advantage came off, totally unnecessary!
A more extreme - and bizarre - case for me Saturday.

Turned down a penalty appeal for a simple collision initiated by the attacker, and the attacker got up and made a retaliatory trip at the defender who was coming away with the ball, then immediately squared up to the same defender. Easy caution, settle the game down.

Show him the card and then a he’s full on with the sarcastic applause, with his captain telling him not to be an idiot. Thanks skipper but he’s now in the bin for 10 minutes.

Makes a comment about making sure I could hear that, but not him being fouled. No further action, he’s going to the bin and the captain is telling him to be quiet still.

Halfway off, he turns around and shouts for all to hear, calling me a cheat. Make that 10 minutes 65 instead. The looks on his teammates faces told the whole story, and they then apologised for his stupidity.

All this is in less than a minute. Not the start to the County League season I was expecting or hoping for, but it was the only discipline I had.
I had one Saturday I was running the line and the captain from the away team strays his head into an offside position so ball goes into back of the net I raise the flag so he starts giving me the mouthful running at ididn't exactly hear what he was saying but referee comes over asked what he was said so I just had him sin binned now as he gets to the dugouts just while we're about to kick off from the offside he goes we always get f******* b******* cheating linos I've looked at referee and his looked me and we've both looked at eachother to say why he done that and of course it turns from a sin bin to a sending off just because he couldn't keep his mouth closed
A little bit concerned as I’ve already had 3 reds and 8 yellows in two league games…. Hopefully the players will settle back into things - discipline seems to have taken a bit of a nosedive!