First game coming up at the weekend


New Member
Level 9 Referee
I ran the line yesterday and have my first game as ref on Saturday. Nervous as anything hoping that I don't mess up big time. Any advice ?
A&H International
Take a deep breath. Act confident whether you are or not. Don't stress out when you make a mistake.

Beyond that, scroll through the threads, and you'll find lots of advice to essentially the same question.
Focus on a few things. A confident whistle, good positioning at angle and early intervention if necessary. Remember the role is about safety first and then fairness and enjoyment for the players. Have a great time and don’t expect too much of yourself first time out. Refereeing is an enjoyable pastime but a complex skill that takes years to learn well.
Going beyond your first game, it's worth heading off to watch some football on your local supply league. Watch how the officials act and operate and you'll pick up some good pointers to then try to bring into your game as you get a little more experience.
Going beyond your first game, it's worth heading off to watch some football on your local supply league. Watch how the officials act and operate and you'll pick up some good pointers to then try to bring into your game as you get a little more experience.
Just don't come to one of mine 🤣🤣🤣
Know in advance exactly where you are going and be there in time
Everything you have in your head suddenly goes to pot if you are lost, late, or both
Hydrate, keep hydrated, esp in this weeks heat
Be confident, relax, and most of all, enjoy.

aa for being nervy of messing up, thats the exact mindset of the elite, they are fully focussed not on getting things correct, but, instead, not getting things wrong....
So do not worry on that score, you are no different to every other referee,

relax, and enjoy. Its a hobby, its what you have studied for, embrace it
Going beyond your first game, it's worth heading off to watch some football on your local supply league. Watch how the officials act and operate and you'll pick up some good pointers to then try to bring into your game as you get a little more experience.

I did this and it helped alot. Been involved in football all my life but never paid any attention to the officials when I was playing or watching. Just presumed the ref ran near the ball! But the way officials signal, use the whistle etc in supply leagues + give a great indicator of how to carry yourself.

At the end of the day there's just too much to think about going in to your first game. Just concentrate throughout the game, enjoy it and expect mistakes. Over thinking it is crippling. Its just a game of amateur footy, go and enjoy it.
Make sure you're prepared in terms of admin - where you have to be and when, who you have to report to, what paperwork is required, permitted substitutions, procedure in event of a draw (if applicable), etc. When the game starts, as I've said before in these forums, concentrate, concentrate again then concentrate some more.

Good luck.
Pack bag night before.
Plan your journey. Reccy it if you need too.
Try to relax. And remember you have a whistle. Use it. Lots of new refs forget that very useful article 😁
Also for newbies I was told positioning at goal kicks to get wide if it's on the left back side of kicking if it's on RB side of kicking stand more central also for the first 10-15 minutes gage what the teams are wanting to do play football or get there dummies out of the pram if they are wanting to play football then reward them with advantage if there giving silly pushes in back give those freekicks also in play talk to them say steady don't dive arms down while ball is in flight players do tend to work with you more if you are talking in play and at the beginning of the game get the captain's and the linos in at the same time so captain's know what you expect from your linos and talk to them about managing there players before you have to send them to the sin bin for dissent
Worth remembering that although to you this is a massive game - to the players and everyone else, you're just another referee.

They won't moan anymore or less if you make a decision they don't agree with - its what happens.

Hopefully there won't be any early dramas, and you'll be surprised once you've got a few simple throw ins/GK/Corner decisions out of the way how much you will enjoy it!

All the best
Remember you hear your own whistle a lot louder than others. New referees with feeble whistling is very common. Blow the whistle so that everyone on and around the ground can hear it, not just you and players around you.
I ran the line yesterday and have my first game as ref on Saturday. Nervous as anything hoping that I don't mess up big time. Any advice ?

Where abouts are you based?

Remain confident in your decisions and If you do make a mistake then your next decision is the biggest.
Remember you hear your own whistle a lot louder than others. New referees with feeble whistling is very common. Blow the whistle so that everyone on and around the ground can hear it, not just you and players around you.
When I teach youth referees, I tell them to go into their room and practice blowing the whistle loud until their parents scream at them to stop that racket . . .
Don’t tell the players it’s your first game. Save that for when you’re experienced, get some priceless looks when you tell players it’s your first one and they don’t know whether to believe you or not.

above all else though, make sure you enjoy it and do some self reflection afterwards so you can improve each game.

best of luck
Game done and dusted !! Not too bad overall. A few iffy decisions I reckon but that was due to positioning so I wasn't able to see properly but on the whole went well. The teams provided their own linesmen so the offsides they whinged about a bit but I said I can't tell from where I am standing and they got on with it. A lot to takeaway from the game learning wise but its made me eager to ref the next one rather than worry about anything
Game done and dusted !! Not too bad overall. A few iffy decisions I reckon but that was due to positioning so I wasn't able to see properly but on the whole went well. The teams provided their own linesmen so the offsides they whinged about a bit but I said I can't tell from where I am standing and they got on with it. A lot to takeaway from the game learning wise but its made me eager to ref the next one rather than worry about anything
Try get wide, things look different wide, dont be afraid to substitute proximity for angle
Positioning comes with time, bear in mind too, luck plays a huge part
you can be up with play, have a great angle, yet if from out of nowhere a player cuts across your view, you are now screwed.