Liverpool v Burnley


I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
Level 4 Referee
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A&H International
Looks to me like the ball would have been out of player before the foul. Plus top level referees will hardly ever give a penalty where the foul happen after the attacker has shot.
Depends when the contact was, it's probably later. Very quick check by VAR if there was one.
It's a fair question - the difference is that Mane's touch was a shot and Barnes' was a (admittedly poor) attempt at taking it round the keeper. There's nothing in the law at all to support that distinction, but it is fair to say that the different efforts leading to different outcomes is applied relatively consistently.
To answer the original tweeter, which of the decisions was clearly and obviously wrong?
I wouldn’t say either of them are so the on the field decision stood. I’m just drawing comparisons between the two really
Interesting one this with two situations in the penalty which have a similar description. A player taken down after the ball had gone, one was a penalty and one was not. Though the angle on the Mane one isn’t clear, I can only assume the names out of play before contact was made. Thoughts?

EDIT: Just seen another angle, the ball was not out of play on contact with Mane

Stonewall penalty - can't quite believe any other decision would be correct? Absolutely no intention to play the ball... ever! GK on the other hand was at least making an attempt to play the ball, with his hands as well! If he'd gone in feet first, then another story altogether...in my opinion 😉
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