Where do you keep your cards, book etc ?

A&H International
Front left shorts pocket -Yellow Card
Front right shorts pocket - notebook
Back pocket - spare whistle and Red Card
Shirt left pocket - coin
Shirt right pocket - spare Yellow and Red cards (sometimes used for a second yellow/send off) and a spare pencil.
Go on then. Give me an example (at grass roots) where you'd be wanting to flash a yellow. :wide:
Only time I get close to a 'flash' yellow is if it's a borderline Yellow / Red decision (Reckless or SFP, DOGSO or SPA). Often times I'll get the Yellow out of my pocket quickly to avoid or minimise the appeals from the offended team for the harsher sanction. Less point screaming at me if it's clear I've already made up my mind :) . I'll then follow the normal cautioning procedure but the ability to have the card in hand quickly is useful
Only time I get close to a 'flash' yellow is if it's a borderline Yellow / Red decision (Reckless or SFP, DOGSO or SPA). Often times I'll get the Yellow out of my pocket quickly to avoid or minimise the appeals from the offended team for the harsher sanction. Less point screaming at me if it's clear I've already made up my mind :) . I'll then follow the normal cautioning procedure but the ability to have the card in hand quickly is useful
Completely agree with this. As much as it's obviously not possible to just flash a card at grassroots due to a lack of team sheets/names on shirts etc it's helpful to be able to pull out a yellow quickly to diffuse a situation where there's likely to be a debate/arguments; just seeing the yellow in the hand before it is shown is often enough to do this.
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Totally disagree.
I can perhaps understand why a red could be flashed at grassroots level but never a yellow.
In my own experience, you're as likely to inflame a situation by doing that.
Go on then. Give me an example (at grass roots) where you'd be wanting to flash a yellow. :wide:

Before I answer I am in the no flashing of yellows camp and agree it is sometimes helpful to just have the yellow out in the hand so all can see you have made a decision. The joy of a write on card.

In answer to your question, an example could be a Second yellow where cautioning procedure doesn't need to be as strictly adhered to given you already have all the info you need and it's a potential flashpoint so getting it done might steady the ship
Before I answer I am in the no flashing of yellows camp and agree it is sometimes helpful to just have the yellow out in the hand so all can see you have made a decision. The joy of a write on card.

In answer to your question, an example could be a Second yellow where cautioning procedure doesn't need to be as strictly adhered to given you already have all the info you need and it's a potential flashpoint so getting it done might steady the ship

Okay I could go with that example James.
But outside of that scenario as regards flashing a yellow or even having it in your hand, you've already visibly notified everybody of your decision before following the cautioning protocol, as alluded to before. 😉 At grassroots level, that's a no no. 😛
Okay I could go with that example James.
But outside of that scenario as regards flashing a yellow or even having it in your hand, you've already visibly notified everybody of your decision before following the cautioning protocol, as alluded to before. 😉 At grassroots level, that's a no no. 😛
Sorry, are you saying it's a no no to get the yellow card out before taking name, number and advising reason for cautioning?
What about those who use write on cards?
Sorry, are you saying it's a no no to get the yellow card out before taking name, number and advising reason for cautioning?
What about those who use write on cards?

They're the work of the devil!! 😉
By using them you're doing it wrong!! 😝
They're the work of the devil!! 😉
By using them you're doing it wrong!! 😝
In what way?
Can you show me where the written procedure is?
I have had observers tell me in the past that taking the yellow out can be used as a diffusion tool.
So long as you isolate the offender, take his name and number, advise the reason for the caution and show the card the procedure is fine. When you take the card from your pocket, is not to the the best of my knowledge against the procedure.
My book is in my (right, when there are two) shirt pocket with a yellow and red card in it. Another yellow is in my right short pocket, and red in my (right) back short pocket. There is no definite way to do it but it is important to do it the same way every time lest you change things up and grab the wrong one.
have you never damaged your RC by sitting on it
have you never damaged your RC by sitting on it
?? It's plastic and bends. I've kept my red in my back right pocket for eons and never had an issue.

(Back in the dark ages when I started, pockets in ref shorts that I had were really crappy (only one back pocket and shallow front pockets), and even my shirt only had one pocket--so the red card lived in my sock.)
?? It's plastic and bends. I've kept my red in my back right pocket for eons and never had an issue.

(Back in the dark ages when I started, pockets in ref shorts that I had were really crappy (only one back pocket and shallow front pockets), and even my shirt only had one pocket--so the red card lived in my sock.)

I've never put cards (or anything for that matter) in my shorts pockets. The back pockets yes but the side pockets no). I just don't trust that they wouldn't fall out.

As for the original point. It doesn't matter, just don't change them once you've decided and after a few games you won't even think about it
I've never put cards (or anything for that matter) in my shorts pockets. The back pockets yes but the side pockets no). I just don't trust that they wouldn't fall out.
I moved my ref wallet to my front left and my loose yellow to my front right shorts pockets years ago--I've never had either fall out and I find it much more efficient to pull the wallet out to record things. To each his own--but I fully agree with your point that the most important thing is to keep things in the same place so you always know where they are.
My wallet has always been in my right side shorts pockets and it has never fallen out. The only thing I have ever lost is coins from my back shorts pockets.
My wallet has always been in my right side shorts pockets and it has never fallen out. The only thing I have ever lost is coins from my back shorts pockets.

Always lose the coin from my back pocket. Its not that I think I will lose them from my side pocket, Its the thought that I might. Its a silly fear based on nothing but its always prevented me from putting things in my side pockets.
Always lose the coin from my back pocket. Its not that I think I will lose them from my side pocket, Its the thought that I might. Its a silly fear based on nothing but its always prevented me from putting things in my side pockets.
My shorts are a bit tight in all the right places, so no chance of losing any of my bits ;)
Always lose the coin from my back pocket. Its not that I think I will lose them from my side pocket, Its the thought that I might. Its a silly fear based on nothing but its always prevented me from putting things in my side pockets.

I put my coin in one of those mini id holders that come as part of a wallet, and put that in a shirt pocket. (I used to use an envelope the same way.) Never had a coin fall out that way. (I also use an old fashioned dollar coin, which is pretty big.)
Shirt right side (and only shirt pocket) match wallett with record sheet, 4 pencils, red and yellow card.

Shorts left pocket red and yellow card.

Lanyard has two whistles in case main one fails (the japanese one now).

I don't take a coin and away captain gets a choice of red or yellow and i pull out a card from shorts left pocket. Have done this for over 25 years since my forces day.

I only ever got to left shorts pocket (apart from start of game) if a player is getting sent off for 2 yellows. These are the large write on ones and they stay in place lovely.

All other pockets empty. I NEVER show the red until i have the name first. I know sometimes a player might be expecting yellow for Offinabus but sometimes the player is surprised so i wait until i have the name.

At one point i used the back pocket but i once lost a match record card and that caused a problem. Never did that again.