What to turn up in?

Jack M

Active Member
Level 6 Referee
Hi guys,

I hope you've been keeping well.

I've got a friendly booked in as an AR at a local step 6 side for this Tuesday.

Now I know that some guidelines say "turn up in your match kit" or words to that effect. However, I read the club's COVID policies and it mentions that "Referee and Assistants to change seperately" (again paraphrasing a bit).

Usually for friendlies at this level I turn up in casual clothes. Is it the same or do I turn up in kit?
A&H International
Hi guys,

I hope you've been keeping well.

I've got a friendly booked in as an AR at a local step 6 side for this Tuesday.

Now I know that some guidelines say "turn up in your match kit" or words to that effect. However, I read the club's COVID policies and it mentions that "Referee and Assistants to change seperately" (again paraphrasing a bit).

Usually for friendlies at this level I turn up in casual clothes. Is it the same or do I turn up in kit?
Why not call the referee to agree an approach appropriate for the ground in question and travel time, etc.? Tracksuit over kit sounds favourite! Enjoy the game.
Why not call the referee to agree an approach appropriate for the ground in question and travel time, etc.? Tracksuit over kit sounds favourite! Enjoy the game.
Agree with this. Align with the ref.
For summer games I think I'll be arriving in my shorts and socks ready to go and a training top which I will just need to swap over before kick off.. Will probably just carry a back pack as opposed to my normal ref kit. Boots in a boot bag if needed and just my organiser. Along with anti bac and johnsons wipes and hand gel. Quick wipe down down with Johnson wipes before driving home or a towel off if raining.
Also, don't forget as a cursory to clubs if you don't plan on staying after the game to let them know. So any food doesn't go to waste. :)
The less time you have to spend in the change room the better. For our grassroots games we don't go to change rooms at all. Everything stays pitchside. Turning up in kit is the most practical way from a safety point. Wear a jacket and track pants on top. The only thing isyou may have to change shirt in case of colour clash (depending on your area), and change of boots.

Changing in the car once you get there, if you drive, is another option.
Thanks for the input guys.

I wasn't sure whether turning up in kit was just at grassroots or a bit higher as this furendly involves a club who could be considered semi pro
The best person to ask is the one whom appointed you the game.

For me, safety trumps everything else. This being a friendly gives even less priority to 'looking professional' over maximising social distancing.
This pandemic will change football in England forever and the massively outdated approach of turning up to senior games in suit, shirt and tie will be no more. Will be tracksuit going forward, even once the pandemic is finally over. And not before time, most people don't even go to work in a shirt and tie any more so to be expected go to a football game in such attire is beyond ridiculous.