City Vs The Champions then

It wouldn't matter if a thousand referees died right now, there are still thousands of others who would live. So, again, unless you are seriously expecting the majority of football to be forever lost, making nonsense predictions and then hiding behind "nobody really knows the future" is very small beer indeed.

well am allowed my view regardless of your mockery

you total miss my point so am not going to attempt to explain it to you as you are incapable of digestion
A&H International
well am allowed my view regardless of your mockery

you total miss my point so am not going to attempt to explain it to you as you are incapable of digestion
I don't think your prediction is fanciful
If we extrapolate the direction in which IFAB are taking us, there's every chance VAR will become the R. AR's are already little more than touch judges.
There's little point comparing with other sports as the dynamics of football are fairly unique and the behaviour of the players and spectators is certainly unrivalled. And other sports don't have the hapless IFAB at the helm
I don't think your prediction is fanciful
If we extrapolate the direction in which IFAB are taking us, there's every chance VAR will become the R. AR's are already touch judges
There's little point comparing with other sports as the dynamics of football are fairly unique and the behaviour of the players and spectators is certainly unrivalled. And other sports don't have the hapless IFAB at the helm

the AR is already redundant.
the R can or cant do anything they like because the voice in the ear will give them the wanted outcome anyway
we are already at the stage the players look to a screen, and not the ref, for a decision
Perfectly natural to assume we can scrap the on field official, sit in an office, press a button, and, a whistle blows over the tannoy
" red ball"
" blue ball" etc

sanctions the same, " yellow card Arsenal 8", over the tannoy and flashing up on the screen

dissent instantly removed as there is nobody to dissent too

no, it wont be tomorrow.

i guess we need come back in xx years and see.

bear in mind once upon a time the referee stood at side of pitch in a suit and waa only consulted when the teams could not agree
Posting on this forum in 1901 that within 100 years there would be minimum 4 officials per game, electronic flags, and GLT, would have received raised eyebrows at the time.
As someone who works very closely with artificial intelligence (AI), I can say with some confidence that this won't be happening any time soon. Yes, decisions can be made from afar and to an extent already are with VAR, but what technology hasn't got is the human touch. If tensions are getting high between two players the referee can have a quiet word with them, technology can't do that. Nor can it do things like check players' studs before the game, hurry players up when the are late coming out of the changing room, etc.

Technology will undoubtedly change the role of referees at the highest level, but if you were to ask me if it will replace them then my answer would be no, certainly not in the next 20 years anyway. Assistants may well be different as they don't have the same level of human interaction.
As someone who works very closely with artificial intelligence (AI), I can say with some confidence that this won't be happening any time soon. Yes, decisions can be made from afar and to an extent already are with VAR, but what technology hasn't got is the human touch. If tensions are getting high between two players the referee can have a quiet word with them, technology can't do that. Nor can it do things like check players' studs before the game, hurry players up when the are late coming out of the changing room, etc.

Technology will undoubtedly change the role of referees at the highest level, but if you were to ask me if it will replace them then my answer would be no, certainly not in the next 20 years anyway. Assistants may well be different as they don't have the same level of human interaction.

Or you could consider the opposite and at least give thought to, players get aggressive to each other BECAUSE the referee is there.....remove the ref, and, we remove the aggression.
Nothing to stop tannoy ref shouting " 5 and 6 behave", esp given in England the referees appear not to get involved physically anyway....
Checking studs, well, I be stunned and would eat my cat for lunch if a top flight rotten stud has ever been found, plus as we move to hybrid pitches and lighter balls, dimples are the order of the day
Tannoy system again for the getting teams out, as already used ( granted its ignored but only because they know the referee will chap), so again, remove the ref, and you remove the stalling about
Obvious solution, ££££, if its protocol that teams must be on park at 2,58 or get a 100k fine, all of a sudden, they will be on the pitch....
well am allowed my view regardless of your mockery

you total miss my point so am not going to attempt to explain it to you as you are incapable of digestion
You can have your view, and others can criticise the part of it that you put in public for how it contradicts known experience or has absolutely zero rational basis in facts.
Your point is clear, it's also thoroughly unhelpful, in the first place for being so far from reality as to make one wonder why you put it out, and secondly for hiding behind "nobody can predict the future"/"I'm entitled to my opinion". What then was the intended result to be anyway?
You can have your view, and others can criticise the part of it that you put in public for how it contradicts known experience or has absolutely zero rational basis in facts.
Your point is clear, it's also thoroughly unhelpful, in the first place for being so far from reality as to make one wonder why you put it out, and secondly for hiding behind "nobody can predict the future"/"I'm entitled to my opinion". What then was the intended result to be anyway?

Mate, take your dirty washing somewhere else, thanks in advance
Happy to leave the thread open, but if you wish to continue your “conversation” then keep it off the forum.
You have been warned!!