Open Age Referee'd a game whilst ill today, just so happened to be assessed.


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
In fairness, I knew I was being assessed as I'm going for promotion again and this was a later round in the County Cup. First time I've ever got to this stage as well!

Woke up this morning feeling ill, got a horrible cold. Too late to withdraw, thought I'd tough it out.

It was a really good game, filled with goals (9), two red cards, extra flipping time and a period of ten minutes where it was all my fault and I'd cost the eventual winners the game. :p

I feel like crap now, to be honest I was just happy to get through. What brightened my day was the post-match assessment said my performance was 'superb', and reassurance that the controversial moments weren't as controversial as the team might have liked me to think. I've got my fingers crossed that translated into a good mark, and I'm fairly hopeful that's my final assessment for the season, I've had two thus far.

Pretty fun day, despite the stupid illness. I'm at home atm sniffling and loading up on the usual cures trying to get better. :cry:

(Just wanted to share. :))
A&H International
In fairness, I knew I was being assessed as I'm going for promotion again and this was a later round in the County Cup. First time I've ever got to this stage as well!

Woke up this morning feeling ill, got a horrible cold. Too late to withdraw, thought I'd tough it out.

It was a really good game, filled with goals (9), two red cards, extra flipping time and a period of ten minutes where it was all my fault and I'd cost the eventual winners the game. :p

I feel like crap now, to be honest I was just happy to get through. What brightened my day was the post-match assessment said my performance was 'superb', and reassurance that the controversial moments weren't as controversial as the team might have liked me to think. I've got my fingers crossed that translated into a good mark, and I'm fairly hopeful that's my final assessment for the season, I've had two thus far.

Pretty fun day, despite the stupid illness. I'm at home atm sniffling and loading up on the usual cures trying to get better. :cry:

(Just wanted to share. :))
I 'OP'd' last week on the pressures to fulfil appointments when ill/injured. Slightly more ill than you were and it could've been bye bye promo
In fairness, I knew I was being assessed as I'm going for promotion again and this was a later round in the County Cup. First time I've ever got to this stage as well!

Woke up this morning feeling ill, got a horrible cold. Too late to withdraw, thought I'd tough it out.

It was a really good game, filled with goals (9), two red cards, extra flipping time and a period of ten minutes where it was all my fault and I'd cost the eventual winners the game. :p

I feel like crap now, to be honest I was just happy to get through. What brightened my day was the post-match assessment said my performance was 'superb', and reassurance that the controversial moments weren't as controversial as the team might have liked me to think. I've got my fingers crossed that translated into a good mark, and I'm fairly hopeful that's my final assessment for the season, I've had two thus far.

Pretty fun day, despite the stupid illness. I'm at home atm sniffling and loading up on the usual cures trying to get better. :cry:

(Just wanted to share. :))

Sounds like you nailed it, congrats!

As for the cold.....man up. You didn't pull out (matron) though so credit for that. Maybe I'm old school but pulling out of games for a minor illness last minute must infuriate the ref secs, and I assume it's goodbye chances of decent appointments in the near future.
Sounds like you nailed it, congrats!

As for the cold.....man up. You didn't pull out (matron) though so credit for that. Maybe I'm old school but pulling out of games for a minor illness last minute must infuriate the ref secs, and I assume it's goodbye chances of decent appointments in the near future.
Yo, what if the illness is not just man flu, but 'proper man flu'!?
I had to pull out of a game six weeks ago because it was rescheduled from a Tuesday to a Saturday. No AR appointments since (for that Supply League)!
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Yo, what if the illness is not just man flu, but 'proper man flu'!?
I had to pull out of a game six weeks ago because it was rescheduled from a Tuesday to a Saturday. No AR appointments since (for that Supply League)!

The chances of waking up with the flu are incredibly low. I think we all know the difference between feeling ill and having the actual flu. When we've been appointed, we should turn up even if we're feeling grim. In the unlikely event that you've got a bad illnesslike the flu, then obviously ring the manager. I'd always advise against texting too. Ring up, have the conversation.
Congrats on the performance. what matters is what a nuteral observer thinks. Took a risk and it paid off. I wouldn't recommend it though. :)
In fairness, I knew I was being assessed as I'm going for promotion again and this was a later round in the County Cup. First time I've ever got to this stage as well!

Woke up this morning feeling ill, got a horrible cold. Too late to withdraw, thought I'd tough it out.

It was a really good game, filled with goals (9), two red cards, extra flipping time and a period of ten minutes where it was all my fault and I'd cost the eventual winners the game. :p

I feel like crap now, to be honest I was just happy to get through. What brightened my day was the post-match assessment said my performance was 'superb', and reassurance that the controversial moments weren't as controversial as the team might have liked me to think. I've got my fingers crossed that translated into a good mark, and I'm fairly hopeful that's my final assessment for the season, I've had two thus far.

Pretty fun day, despite the stupid illness. I'm at home atm sniffling and loading up on the usual cures trying to get better. :cry:

(Just wanted to share. :))

I hear a couple of beer helps a heap. Even if it doesn't cure your illness, you may feel it less after enough!