VAR forum

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A&H International
I think you'll find that is exactly what they are doing..........each 'cry' is in connection with a perceived error in the application of the VAR process/decision.............
I think you'll find that is exactly what they are doing..........each 'cry' is in connection with a perceived error in the application of the VAR process/decision.............
I disagree.

There is no discussion, just a big circle jerk of the usual suspects trying to prove they hate VAR the most.

A good example is the missed second caution in the Areanal Chelsea game. Very little discussion about the incident, why it should have been a caution, reason why the referee might not have given a caution. But loads of people hating VAR the most.

Even when they do discuss a VAR decision few are interested in discussing why a particular decision was given, they just focus on how much they hate VAR.

It's the same circular discussion "VAR is rubbish, he was only 2cm offside", "But that is correct in law, you're either offside or you're not", "Yeah but, VAR is rubbish".

I have full sympathy for people having their weekends ruined by endless VAR checks (I get my weekends ruined the old fashioned way in league 1).
So they now have a different focus; no longer the poor old official in the middle but his 'techno' colleague with the square eyes.....nothing really new here........
So they now have a different focus; no longer the poor old official in the middle but his 'techno' colleague with the square eyes.....nothing really new here........
True, but it's not even a discussion about why VAR might have come to a particular decision, anything VAR does is instantly wrong and bad.
Just think if Gillingham were any good (4 home wins on the trot ;) ) and you had to put up with getting mugged off at Tottenham & Man City without doing much wrong. All our players are booked into have their toenails cut this week!!! ;) I don't expect or demand to win any game, But I know when 99% of fans home and away think this is a backwards step as to what we've evolved VAR to.
We are undefeated in 7 (it sounds better) games at home in all competitions and 6 games away in all competitions.

They only way we will feel the VAR pain is if we hold West Ham to a draw on Sunday or beat them and get a premier League team away.
Just think if Gillingham were any good (4 home wins on the trot ;) ) and you had to put up with getting mugged off at Tottenham & Man City without doing much wrong. All our players are booked into have their toenails cut this week!!! ;) I don't expect or demand to win any game, But I know when 99% of fans home and away think this is a backwards step as to what we've evolved VAR to.

Which is fair enough, but a post with five pages of people just going "I hate VAR" isn't helping anyone with anything.

If you try and offer an alternative view you just get shouted down because VAR is the devil and anyone who disagrees is the wrongest person ever.
They don’t all hate VAR, most want it to succeed, who wouldn’t, we’re all referees I think. alas, it’s miles off being any good in this form and needs major tinkering to become accepted.
They don’t all hate VAR, most want it to succeed, who wouldn’t, we’re all referees I think. alas, it’s miles off being any good in this form and needs major tinkering to become accepted.

I don't know, I think all the users who want it scrapped probably aren't too keen.
Are the kids back to school next week? I’m just off to the Winchester till this all settles down! 👍
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