Open Age Ran into an old Forum member today


RefChat Addict
Some of the older hands may remember @Grayson from a few years back.

He was kind enough to spend some time with me just after I'd completed my refs course in 2013, and I went to watch him prior to doing my first game, which was invaluable experience!

Today he was a CAR in the game I had and was superb!
A&H International
Cheers man! Nice to see a familiar face when I turned up yesterday. You had a good game mate. Hopefully see you get that 4 this season.

"Cheerio!" ;)
Not a line I normally use, however it accidentally slipped out yesterday. Probably not my finest hour!
I did have a jolly good chuckle about it in private, I'll be honest. :D

Realise I'm a "club" man now, but if I've ever got a free Saturday I'll pop along, or if you wanna chat local stuff, you know where I am!