Life without VAR

A&H International
Betcha Southampton are grateful for VAR!
Even when Mr Tech gets one right, it's left the stadium empty by half time. I say right... can't help but suspect slo-mos were a factor. I'll judge Bertrand once i see it at normal speed
Southampton 0 Leicester 9... it’s good, but it’s not quite Sheffield United who STILL have the all time English League record.... (Record away win: Port Vale 0–10 Sheffield United (Second Division, 10 December 1892)❤️⚔️❤️
Southampton 0 Leicester 9... it’s good, but it’s not quite Sheffield United who STILL have the all time English League record.... (Record away win: Port Vale 0–10 Sheffield United (Second Division, 10 December 1892)❤️⚔️❤️
Beats the Mags 8-0 rout over the Owls tho :(
I think there may have been one other 8 goal defeat in the PL too. New record set
Also a couple of 7-4 games from memory
There's one major flaw in that article - they seem to completely misunderstand what happens when there is a close offside call and the AR delays the flag. They seem to assume in some cases that if the flag didn't go up immediately, the goal would have been allowed without VAR and confusingly enough that in others, because the flag did eventually go up the goal would definitely have been chalked off had there been no VAR. Neither proposition is true.
If VAR was being used in the Europa League, we wouldn't have seen Chris Smalling penalised for a head-ball... What a bizarre decision, did you see it?
Yes, I saw it - astounding decision. The referee has simply guessed at what he thinks must have happened. He can't possibly have seen a handball because it wasn't even close to hitting Smalling's hand.
There's one major flaw in that article - they seem to completely misunderstand what happens when there is a close offside call and the AR delays the flag. They seem to assume in some cases that if the flag didn't go up immediately, the goal would have been allowed without VAR and confusingly enough that in others, because the flag did eventually go up the goal would definitely have been chalked off had there been no VAR. Neither proposition is true.
I'm know this. But it doesn't coach refs on how to handle multiple santionable offences in sequence
Is it just me or is this infringement by the substitute the very definition of a trifling offence that can and should be ignored?
Is it just me or is this infringement by the substitute the very definition of a trifling offence that can and should be ignored?

"What would football expect"
I'll get my coat 😆

There's a constant play off between consistency and common sense.
In Law that's a pen (and VAR has probably deemed it a serious missed incident purely because the consequence is a penalty kick) but the whole world knows that sub is simply saving a ball boy a job.
Once VAR has flagged it, it leaves the referee no option, as ignoring it is a serious misapplication if the law and is ground for replay appeal.

Common sense and trifling are applied differently at grassroots compared to the professional level.