VC and Penalties


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Been reading on on the LoTG and law 12 has the following

If the ball is out of play, play is restarted according to the previous decision.
If the ball is in play and a player commits a physical offence inside the field of play against:
  • an opponent – indirect or direct free kick or penalty kick
  • a team-mate, substitute, substituted or sent-off player, team official or a match official – a direct free kick or penalty kick
  • any other person – a dropped ball
If, when the ball is in play:
  • a player commits an offence against a match official or an opposing player, substitute, substituted or sent-off player, or team official outside the field of play or
  • a substitute, substituted or sent-off player, or team official commits an offence against, or interferes with, an opposing player or match official outside the field of play,
play is restarted with a free kick on the boundary line nearest to where the offence/interference occurred; a penalty kick is awarded if this is a direct free kick offence within the offender’s penalty area.

If an offence is committed outside the field of play by a player against a player, substitute, substituted player or team official of their own team, play is restarted with an indirect free kick on the boundary line closest to where the offence occurred.

So if I am reading this correctly as it seems pretty straightfoward for offences on the field of play

* Red player in own penalty area, punches or kicks blue player - Penalty Kick to blue team and RC to offender
* Red player in opposition penalty area, punches or kicks blue player - Direct free kick to blue team and RC to offender
* Red player in opposition penalty area, punches referee - PK to blue team & RC offender
* Red player in own penalty area, punches referee - DFK to blue team & RC to offender
* Red player punches another red player in own penalty area - PK to blue team and RC to offender
* Red player punches another red player in opposition penalty area - DFK to blue team and RC to offender

For offences that occur outside the field of play
* red subsitute punches blue substitue - RC for offender and DFK to blue team on boundary line nearest to where offence occured
* red substitue punches another red substitute - RC for offender and IDFK to blue team on boundary line
* Red manager punches Blue Manager - RC For red manager and IDFK to blue team on boundary line

Just want to confirm my thinking is correct so any corrections or comments would be appreciated
A&H International
* Red manager punches Blue Manager - RC For red manager and IDFK to blue team on boundary line ❌
Most likely a DB
Otherwise in agreement
* Red player in opposition penalty area, punches referee - PK to blue team & RC offender
* Red player in own penalty area, punches referee - DFK to blue team & RC to offender
These are surely wrong. If the red player is in the opposition (blue) penalty area how can blue be getting a penalty kick - are they going to be taking a penalty into their own goal? Similarly for the second one, how can blue get a direct free kick in the red penalty area?
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This has been one of those IFAB evolutions from the simple to the arcane . . .

Actually the old Law was a mess of DBs and IFKs without any logic or common sense (believe me, I had to study it).

The new Law at least has a logic to it:

The big question is always: was a player (or match official) involved. A Player means someone actually counted as playing at that moment (even if temporarily off the pitch), not a sub, or substituted player or anyone who has been sent off.

I will class as one group: subs, substituted players, sent off players, manager, coach other team officials etc as "Team sheet"

OFFENCE ON FIELD OF PLAY (has to be physical, not verbal):

Player involved with opposition player (basically regular foul play): IFK, DFK or Pen as appropriate
Player involved with player from same team or match official: DFK or pen
Player involved with someone on team sheet DFK or Pen
Player involved with anyone else: DB


Two opposing players (or player and match official): IFK, DFK (on boundary line) or Pen
Player involved with opposing Team sheet: DFK (on boundary line) or Pen
Player involved with own Team sheet: IFK on boundary.
anything else (Team sheet v team sheet, Player with member of crowd): DB

When I say involved with, it can be either as perpetrator or victim.

So two opposing subs (or managers) fighting (if you stop play to deal with it) would be a DB.
* Red player in opposition penalty area, punches referee - PK to blue team & RC offender
How did you come up with this? You are moving the position of the restart all the way to the other side of the field.

Edit. Just saw PG's post
Team Official on Team Official doesn't explicitly get a mention
But there is a mention of what is not mentioned which makes it a DB.

I recall an email from DE that a free kick is only awarded for offences by players or against players or match officials. So even a sub punching an opponent sub is a DB.
Actually the old Law was a mess of DBs and IFKs without any logic or common sense (believe me, I had to study it).

The new Law at least has a logic to it:

The big question is always: was a player (or match official) involved. A Player means someone actually counted as playing at that moment (even if temporarily off the pitch), not a sub, or substituted player or anyone who has been sent off.

I will class as one group: subs, substituted players, sent off players, manager, coach other team officials etc as "Team sheet"

OFFENCE ON FIELD OF PLAY (has to be physical, not verbal):

Player involved with opposition player (basically regular foul play): IFK, DFK or Pen as appropriate
Player involved with player from same team or match official: DFK or pen
Player involved with someone on team sheet DFK or Pen
Player involved with anyone else: DB


Two opposing players (or player and match official): IFK, DFK (on boundary line) or Pen
Player involved with opposing Team sheet: DFK (on boundary line) or Pen
Player involved with own Team sheet: IFK on boundary.
anything else (Team sheet v team sheet, Player with member of crowd): DB

When I say involved with, it can be either as perpetrator or victim.

So two opposing subs (or managers) fighting (if you stop play to deal with it) would be a DB.
Where does it say off the field of play “anything else” is a DB?

(Asking for a friend)