Hot and eventful Sunday!


RefChat Addict
Womens National League Cup game - heading for extra time, we're in the 3rd (of 6) added minutes at the end of the 90'

Player goes down under a heavy but not reckless challenge. She is great pain with a neck injury. After a few minutes its clear that an ambulance is required. After 30 mins and no ambulance in sight, referee had no option to abandon. Ambulance and paramedics still assessing player on the pitch, when we left , over an hour after the incident.

Luckily, I have now found out that hospital investigations show no lasting damage and although on concussion protocol for 2 weeks the player is OK.

My 3rd ambulance attendance in 17 years - not sure if that is above or below 'average'?
A&H International
Last year, I was observing and we had two in one match. Game lasted over 3 hours......
3 ambulances in 7 years. 1 horrid leg break in futsal. 1 staff member collapsed onto the field delaying a game for 12 mins (4 red card epic semi final). Another shoulder.

Though big ambulance memory from playing 15 years ago. Ref in previous game gets shoved, sworn at, spat on, after 4 reds goes catatonic, sits down glazed over on the field. One of my mates was surgeon, looked after him while the ambulance came.

Sincerely, after that, I wanted to referee... took me nearly ten years to pick up a whistle. I wish I had done it the next day.
2 in 12 years for me seems the going rate....

Bonus point for causing one back in my playing career though! 👍
Once in 8 years. I was on the line in an FACup game. Lad went careering off the pitch and smacked his head on the concrete barrier.
Saw a lad in A&E the other week with a right egg over his left eyebrow, No visible concussion but he’s probably wearing two right shiners now! Seemed purely accidental he said but it was quite a mound! I saw quite a few of those over the years!
I seem to get a lot of ambulances - not sure what that says about me, but then I tend to get the games where it's not unexpected because they know I'll handle it.

I had five in a single season about 15 years ago, then none for ten+ years, and then two in successive weeks a couple of seasons ago. Those were exclusively due to foul challenges, although a couple of them the player won the ball so obviously not a foul!!! They were amazed when the red came out. On one of those occasions the injured player's team said that if I didn't want to put the red in they wouldn't report it - they were so sure it wasn't a foul because he clearly played the ball and it was just the one foot!

I also had two in successive weeks last season - both players catching their studs and dislocating knees.

One of the grounds I am at quite a lot there are 9 pitches and only a small car park, so cars are often parked in front of the gates, even though there are signs telling them not to. I've had to send players round to each of the games to find out whose car is blocking the gates and get them to move so the ambulance can get in. On a couple of occasions they've had to send a helicopter because no one would move their car so the ambulance couldn't get in..
Dang, y'all just gave me an ugly flashback. I wasn't reffing, my dad was. Probably 16U or 19U boys, and I was sitting around the halfway line. a (poorly trained?) GK slid with a fixed leg and a large forward fell on it--I heard the snap at midfield. :eek: Still gives me the creeps when I think about it . . .
3 in 19 and a bit seasons. 2 absolute freak injuries- both were a player turning and doing knee ligaments.

The other forced an abandonment and was one of those where if he hadn’t injured himself, I’d have sent him off. Attacker lost the ball chasing a last ditch equaliser, red mist comes down and looks to nail the goal keeper, jumping in two footed. Caught him with one foot but the other caught in the turf causing him a double leg break. Keeper got away with a small cut.
3 in 19 and a bit seasons. 2 absolute freak injuries- both were a player turning and doing knee ligaments.

The other forced an abandonment and was one of those where if he hadn’t injured himself, I’d have sent him off. Attacker lost the ball chasing a last ditch equaliser, red mist comes down and looks to nail the goal keeper, jumping in two footed. Caught him with one foot but the other caught in the turf causing him a double leg break. Keeper got away with a small cut.
Did the attacker get the red card as well as broken legs?
In one of my Ambulance excursions the lad went from being kicked in the head, we all thought he was dead to 3 days in hospital and a 5 game ban for him, for starting it! 😤
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Not had to summon an ambulance to a football match but once had to call 999 to another sport where I was officiating.
Officially qualified in February 2018. First full season last year. Had 2 in my short career.
Not had any ambulance calls for any of my games in my first season last season, but in a charity match I was sub for early last month, we had to call for an ambulance for a broken leg from a perfectly good tackle after 7 mins 27 secs.

Game abandoned an hour and half later as the ambulance finally turned up, we understood it wasn't a priority.

Match was replayed yesterday, lost 3-2, unfortunately I'm away in Spain and flying back tonight so had to miss it.

You wouldn't believe this, but last year we had a charity match against a different company, that I wasn't aware of, think it was the first match the companies had arranged.

Anyway, we only went and broke someone's leg in that match too early on, don't think that one was replayed.

You couldn't make it up!
only had it once a couple of seasons ago.

Suspected head and neck inury so we couldn't move her, ended up abandoning about 1 hour after the injury occurred, and the ambulance turned up about 30 minutes later.
My first ever open age league fixture yesterday, 10 mins to go, ambulance called! Not for any of the players, staff or officials though but for a very unfortunate lady that was walking past behind the goal as a lad absolutely leathered a volley a couple of feet wide of the post. Hit the lady straight in the side of the face.
Three in the last three seasons;

1. Leg breaker, SFP from behind completely took the back of his foot out. Straight red, hour for ambulance, match abandoned and 'replayed' because it didn't get two extra minutes into the 'result stands' timing. Guy can't play football anymore as it was his second break on that ankle/leg.

2. Goalkeeper KO'd and having a fit from an aerial challenge. It was the softest challenge I've seen, but it obviously got him in a dodgy place. Game was abandoned, result stood, guy was taken away for the usual checks by the paramedics.

3. Development league fixture on the line, kid flies into a contested header and lands on his neck. He's fine but no one will allow him to get up, ambulance called, his team doesn't want to play anymore. Game replayed. Fun one this... The home club didn't provide an official medical personnel as they didn't have the 'budget' to do so, and it wasn't a league rule to do so. Away team wasn't too impressed with that, neither was I tbh, this is the youth Premier League nationwide so...

I might be missing one, but yeah, three in three seasons so far, though number 1 and 2 were within weeks of each other in the first season and I had reffed probably 6-7 seasons without ever seeing an ambulance or leg breaker until that point. Like busses apparently.
Officially qualified in February 2018. First full season last year. Had 2 in my short career.
Bloody hell - another ambulance last night. Spectator had a heart attack mid first half. Ambulance had to use the pitch during HT/20 minutes into second half.

Apparently he is okay thankfully.
Only ever had one. Few seasons back, fairly large chap went up for a header, fell on his own arm snapping his humerus! One ambulance turned up and then got sent away before they got out the vehicle for a more serious incident, finally an hour after it happened an ambulance finally turned up. Poor guy was in absolute agony the whole time