Leve 7 Exam


RefChat Addict
Afternoon all.

So I have my Level 7 - Level 6 exam next week. I've done some prep when I have chance, although with a full time job, 2 kids, playing other sports etc its not always easy.

What should I expect?
A&H International
It's been a while since I did the exam for 7-6 but I've done 6-5 one a couple of time, and have it again in September (injury put and end to my last couple of promotion bids).

The exams are pretty easy, there are no trick questions just make sure that you read and understand the questions. You might want to check whether it will be on the old or new laws
It's been a while since I did the exam for 7-6 but I've done 6-5 one a couple of time, and have it again in September (injury put and end to my last couple of promotion bids).

The exams are pretty easy, there are no trick questions just make sure that you read and understand the questions. You might want to check whether it will be on the old or new laws

Pretty much as Zara said, read the question and then read it again, if needed read it again. Brush up on re-starts, DFK and IDFK as they will most likely come up...alot. You are going from Junior Referee to County Referee so it gets a little more serious now in terms of knowledge of law. Not too serious though so dont worry, its not rocket science. Every answer you need is in the book. Just read a few pages every night, concentrate on the laws your not 100% on.
A chunk of them are stop play and restart with an IDFK from where the incident took place, that probably 20% without opening your book!!! Go to the pub instead until this all blows over!!
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Geez, Who let the humour guard dog loose. It was a slightly humorous comeback to relax Ben and take his time, maybe in the pub.. we don’t all have to be bookworms with our ticket machines!
Geez, Who let the humour guard dog loose. It was a slightly humorous comeback to relax Ben and take his time, maybe in the pub.. we don’t all have to be bookworms with our ticket machines!

I dont post an awful lot but i do read all the threads and every single one has you coming up with some smart arsed reply that diverts away from the OP every single time. Its not fair to the referees that actually want to learn and get advice, good advice, not go to the pub instead.
Afternoon all.

So I have my Level 7 - Level 6 exam next week. I've done some prep when I have chance, although with a full time job, 2 kids, playing other sports etc its not always easy.

What should I expect?
The format will be just like your initial exam to qualify. You'll be given a scenario and then multiple choice answers usually with 4 options, 2 of which will be obviously incorrect and 2 which might be correct. If you are pushed for time revise Laws 5 and 12. Try to put yourself on the field and imagine it happening and your gut instinct will take over. Good luck.
Also remember that the correct answer will be what's correct in law, not what you might actually do in real life. If a question tells you that a player has taken a throw 3m further down the line than the point where the ball went out, the correct answer is foul throw, TI to other team. Even though we all know in reality you'd probably either intervene first, let it go, or give them a talking to, none of them are the correct answer in law to the question being asked.
Why do you have to turn every thread into some sort of joke? People are getting a little bored with you now. This lad is obviously serious about his refereeing.
I'm serious about refereeing, but there's no harm in flirting with the truth to arrive at wit
If 'stuff' didn't enter or leave the FOP without the R's permission (usually to commit an offence), the exams would take a big dent
@Ben448844 will walk the exam anyway, so relax!
I done this exam last week. It's a fairly straightforward exam with no trick questions. Be comfortable with law 8 onwards.

Its based on 18/19 laws which is important to remember.