Fun game this evening.


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
So, I got an evening game which was the second division of the local leagues. Bottom of table vs top, with the top team being the reserves of a semi-pro outfit (I think).

Hoo boy, did I get a workout! Bottom team was punting it long, top team was moving the ball about with skill, I ran the most I ever have in a 90 minute game according to my fitness tracker. By the final five I was gassed, the combination of long ball and short intrinsic passing really made it a tough one.

Had an incident though - If I was being assessed I know I'd be marked down for it. Basically striker gets clean through, takes a shot and in his follow through blocks my vision. The defender on the line apparently punches the ball away. I didn't give it, couldn't as I didn't see it. Fortunately, it fell to another striker who did net it, so all the blushes were spared.

I was annoyed with that, even though I thought I got good positioning for that one, I managed to end up in the penalty area, had a good view, but alas, the movement just blocked me off at the critical moment. Both teams laughed about it, especially post-match. >_>

But anyway, it was a game played in very good spirit, and I don't think anyone cared at the end of the day but I'm just happy I wasn't being observed! :p
A&H International
So, I got an evening game which was the second division of the local leagues. Bottom of table vs top, with the top team being the reserves of a semi-pro outfit (I think).

Hoo boy, did I get a workout! Bottom team was punting it long, top team was moving the ball about with skill, I ran the most I ever have in a 90 minute game according to my fitness tracker. By the final five I was gassed, the combination of long ball and short intrinsic passing really made it a tough one.

Had an incident though - If I was being assessed I know I'd be marked down for it. Basically striker gets clean through, takes a shot and in his follow through blocks my vision. The defender on the line apparently punches the ball away. I didn't give it, couldn't as I didn't see it. Fortunately, it fell to another striker who did net it, so all the blushes were spared.

I was annoyed with that, even though I thought I got good positioning for that one, I managed to end up in the penalty area, had a good view, but alas, the movement just blocked me off at the critical moment. Both teams laughed about it, especially post-match. >_>

But anyway, it was a game played in very good spirit, and I don't think anyone cared at the end of the day but I'm just happy I wasn't being observed! :p
How far did you run?
Couldn't be marked down for AOL, just one of those things
How far did you run?
Couldn't be marked down for AOL, just one of those things

I average 9500 on the fitbit steps, which is around 4 and a half miles or 7.2km. For this game I went over 10k, so 5 miles or 8km. Rough estimates though as I don't know how accurate the tracker is for smaller movements etc. I don't know if that's good or bad in general!

Arms up, in direction of half way line, and a shout of "Advantage"

Ah, but I would still have to caution him!

Fortunately, both teams had a laugh at my expense over it. >_>

I need a sit down how, I’ve had to jog around reading that to keep up.... What did we miss? 😎

A handball sir.
I average 9500 on the fitbit steps, which is around 4 and a half miles or 7.2km. For this game I went over 10k, so 5 miles or 8km. Rough estimates though as I don't know how accurate the tracker is for smaller movements etc. I don't know if that's good or bad in general!

Ah, but I would still have to caution him!

Fortunately, both teams had a laugh at my expense over it. >_>

A handball sir.
Yes, difficult to know how accurate GPS can be when not running in a straight line
The heat map is just a splodge
I average 5 miles for OA and U18s regulary. Maybe I should run less circles of the centre circle
Afraid not, you miss a handball on the line and the observer sees it you will be getting marked down by the vast majority of observers.
Fair enough, except what if the observer was further away and got it wrong. Must have happened a thousand times. Guess it's just the way the cookie crumbles for the ref
Guess it's just the way the cookie crumbles for the ref

Heh, if you want to scratch your head, I had one this season where I got marked down for missing a punch that happened behind me.

I did raise it with my RDO because I felt that was very unfair.

In this handball-on-the-line situation I wouldn't have complained, I'd just be annoyed that the circumstances just happened to align that way. The only thing I can think of doing to stop that happening again is to go wider. I can fix it, so it's ok. I can't fix the other situation short of growing eyes in the back of my head! :p
Fair enough, except what if the observer was further away and got it wrong. Must have happened a thousand times. Guess it's just the way the cookie crumbles for the ref

Depends on what happened. Observers will almost always be further away from decisions than the referee, that is just a given at all levels. If I see the referee misses a clear handball on the line I will look at why they might have missed it, but at the end of the day it is still a clear incorrect KMD and the development advice will be going in application of law or decision making and accuracy.

Given that observers will usually be further away than the referee, that excuse can't be used otherwise observers would be redundant. They have to make a real time decision, just as the referee does, and they won't always agree.
Depends on what happened. Observers will almost always be further away from decisions than the referee, that is just a given at all levels. If I see the referee misses a clear handball on the line I will look at why they might have missed it, but at the end of the day it is still a clear incorrect KMD and the development advice will be going in application of law or decision making and accuracy.

Given that observers will usually be further away than the referee, that excuse can't be used otherwise observers would be redundant. They have to make a real time decision, just as the referee does, and they won't always agree.
And there's always the de-brief where more information can be uncovered.

So Mr Referee in the 34th minute there was a shot on goal and a lot of shouts from the players, then another shot and a goal was scored. From where I was, I saw the ball strike the hand of a player on the goal line. What did you see?
And there's always the de-brief where more information can be uncovered.

So Mr Referee in the 34th minute there was a shot on goal and a lot of shouts from the players, then another shot and a goal was scored. From where I was, I saw the ball strike the hand of a player on the goal line. What did you see?
Yes Mr assessor, In the 34th minute I had a clear and unobstructed view of the incident in question and I, (as the ONLY man making the decision), didn't think that the defender handled the ball deliberately and therefore played on with no stoppage or sanction..... Now, is it Pie & Peas or Chicken Bake.....:angel:
If the assessor thinks a KMI offence was not called, there is almost certainly going to be marks deducted. There can be two reasons for the non-call.

- The referee did not see it. This generally comes down to positioning or it could be due to lack of awareness (both indirectly impacts AOL) . The missed handball would be positioning. The missed punch behind play could be awareness. Most incident behind play start brewing much earlier and a trailing eye in most cases is warranted. I have had experience (as assessor or as AR) anticipating a behind play incident where the referee had no idea. There can be some tough ones to detect (usually minimal mark deduction) but at the end of the day as the referee, it is our job to do so.

- The referee did see it but did not deem it as an offence. This comes down to AOL. It can be an error in law or an error in interpretation of a law. Interpretations of laws are taught at every level and as a referee it is our job to be consistent and in line with those interpretation. While there can be some 50-50s and an assessor should listen to the reasoning of the referee, there are many offences that must be clear one way or other. If a referee is taught to deem a certain tackle as CRUEF (or a certain handball as deliberate) and they say "in my opinion it wasn't" then there would be mark deduction as they are not applying the interpretations they are expected to. A good example here .
The missed punch behind play could be awareness. Most incident behind play start brewing much earlier and a trailing eye in most cases is warranted.

In this particular case, no there was no issues between the two players involved prior to the bust up. From what I was told by multiple witnesses on the day, there was a fairly normal passage of play, a switch of play occurred. Then, the offender looked towards me to make sure I was looking away before knocking the victim out with a cracking right-hook.

The switch of play meant I had moved on to the other side of the field, there was no late challenge, but I haven't a clue if something was said.

On the plus side though, despite that one incident, the rest of my assessment that day was very positive, all other KMI, cautions, dismissals, decision making was considered spot on. So, I chalked it up to one of those things.

Yes Mr assessor, In the 34th minute I had a clear and unobstructed view of the incident in question and I, (as the ONLY man making the decision), didn't think that the defender handled the ball deliberately and therefore played on with no stoppage or sanction.....

Haha, would he dock you extra points for lying? >_>
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Most incident behind play start brewing much earlier and a trailing eye in most cases is warranted. I have had experience (as assessor or as AR) anticipating a behind play incident where the referee had no idea.

Yes, the trailing eye thing is something I'm also working on. I've had two further games this season where players got their handbags out, but on both of these occasions there was prior incidents, so I could keep an eye out on them.
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In this particular case, no there was no issues between the two players involved prior to the bust up. From what I was told by multiple witnesses on the day, there was a fairly normal passage of play, a switch of play occurred. Then, the offender looked towards me to make sure I was looking away before knocking the victim out with a cracking right-hook.

The switch of play meant I had moved on to the other side of the field, there was no late challenge, but I haven't a clue if something was said.

On the plus side though, despite that one incident, the rest of my assessment that day was very positive, all other KMI, cautions, dismissals, decision making was considered spot on. So, I chalked it up to one of those things.

Haha, would he dock you extra points for lying? >_>
I think its called Truth Economy.... Its like lying but not getting found out!!!