Goalkeeper captains


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
So far I haven’t had this, but how do you get the captain (a goalkeeper) in to speak to his player who is on the verge of getting a caution, especially if it’s a striker at the other end of the pitch?
A&H International
if the GK is captain always as for an outfield deputy at the coin toss - someone you can use in these situations.
Had one of the best captains I ever knew as a GK, very responsible guy who actually listened, most are just mad idiots, he wasn’t
This practice is not encouraged here so random stab in dark as per WilliamD, make sure there is an onfield deputy, or is it too far fetched to....

at the appropriate time, that word just before your next step is the captain (gk), say to the player, "look do I really need to drag us both 60 yards to your gk to tell you to behave and make you look like a child?" ""

Its sort of thing I would try but as stated, nothing I have ever had to worry about and its not protocol here
Could ask him who is the vice captain, so you have a delegate of sorts to chat to?
Edit got it !!

the phrase is..

"Its got to the stage I normally bring the captain in, but seeing as he is down there, and we are up here, I cba doing that, so settle down as am out of options"
With experience you can quickly work out who are the sensible players. I often found that wide players (full backs and wingers as opposed to being obese ..!) were the calmer players so given you will have at least some of them on their patrol path you can try and build relationships with them and you can ask them to have a quiet word with anyone being silly. But if you need to do it formally you either drag the keeper out of ask at the toss for a sensible outfield player.
99%of captains in grassroots OA are chocolate fire guards and not worth the effort! Next 🤣
Whilst the first part of your sentence is true the not worth the effort part is poor advice for anyone on promotion schemes, aiming for, or at supply league and above.
The expectation is that you use the stepped approach, utilising the captain in that process so it is absolutely worth the effort however futile it may seem, to some ad this is one of the competencies you are being marked on.
Whilst the first part of your sentence is true the not worth the effort part is poor advice for anyone on promotion schemes, aiming for, or at supply league and above.
The expectation is that you use the stepped approach, utilising the captain in that process so it is absolutely worth the effort however futile it may seem, to some ad this is one of the competencies you are being marked on.
Exactly. If you don't try the captain, the assumption will be that you've made a mess of the stepped approach. If you do - or if the captain's the main troublemaker and you've already had words with him - you'll still get the good marks, even if you do end up getting no help and having to pull a card out.
Bear in mind this is country specifc...

Not encouraged here.

For right or wrong, the stance here is that you control things by yourself and its weak to seek assistance.
I'm not saying never use captains but my vast experience that it goes in one ear and out of the other, often warnings for players aren't even passed on, waste of breath!!
Seems to me that whether to use a captain is part of reading the game. Sometimes the captain isn't really a leader, and going to the actual leader with "hey, #6 is pushing it, if you can calm him down, I won't have to," can work. But it only works with the right leader--and if you take it to the wrong person can be like pouring gasoline on a fire. I would *hope* that even in places where there is an expectation to use captains that an explanation to the assessor that you evaluated the situation and didn't use the captain because it was likely to inflame the situation as the captain had just been complaining about something similar would be accepted as quality game management.

I hate the concept of check-the-box assessments that don't think through the actual game. (I haven't had to have a lot of assessments for what I do. On one assessment as an AR, the assessor greeted me after the game with "I don't think I can pass you as you never flagged for a foul so I don't know if you know what a foul is." :eek: I resisted temptation to say something outrageous, and asked if saw any fouls that I should have flagged for, noting that there were two that were close to me that I was ready to flag, but I looked at the R who was already whistling them. He said that he didn't see any I should have flagged either! :wall: [He ultimately decided he could pass me after giving me a quiz question about an unusual foul situation.])