Rooney's challenge

A&H International
Yeah that was a shocker. Sibiga got caught about 20 yards from play even though he was pretty much where he's supposed to be. AR was staring right at this and missed it.
He knew it, gave the armband away straight after the review. Assistant should have seen that for me.
I know yeh, Play on... Next, right?

James, I’ve sent off for similar, back in the day we knew what a red card was for, this is one of those times....I was gobsmacked that a trained referee saw something and went yellow... the pictures are damning. UTMB...
James, I’ve sent off for similar, back in the day we knew what a red card was for, this is one of those times....I was gobsmacked that a trained referee saw something and went yellow... the pictures are damning. UTMB...
One of the easiest red cards ever. Watching the clip I feel like the ref went yellow and then said its being checked knowing it would be checked and he could look again. I imagine it feels like you lose less face upgrading to red than handing out red then having to rescind it
Leave aside the fact its a clear red.

Coaching point, as been brought up tons, player takes bad touch, alarm bells have to ring
Its prime time for a tackle like that.
Players are coached from an early stage, if you loose the ball, get it back
What goes out the window, is how to get it back

Dissappointing a red not issued straight away.
Pleasing got their eventually
One of the easiest red cards ever. Watching the clip I feel like the ref went yellow and then said its being checked knowing it would be checked and he could look again. I imagine it feels like you lose less face upgrading to red than handing out red then having to rescind it

As Howard Webb described to us on Tuesday, the referee would've been marked down here for getting the original decision wrong. VAR is an aid and referees are still scored in the same was as they were before VAR. What has changed though is that the ref would get some marks back for using VAR to get to the correct decision in the end after looking at the pitch side monitor, but he we still score lower marks than if he's have given a a straight red in the first place
I’d understand if he’d missed the tackle or the severity and just played on or blown for a foul. But to see the first 2 bits and still go yellow is worrying that you're not getting pretty easily spottable RC right first time. @Ciley Myrus is right, it’s a retribution tackle that you can probably predict when you know what to expect...
1) Some on here don't know when @Sheffields Finest is being serious. A blatant red now was still a dismissal a few decades back
2) i get the thing about being marked down for wrong decisions, but the safety net of VAR is still likely to influence refs
3) Why should the ref get marks back for using VAR when the latter is always going to identify a leg breaker
4) Rooney has always been a cowardly dirty player. One of the downsides of the game not policing itself anymore, cowards can do this without reprisal
1) Some on here don't know when @Sheffields Finest is being serious. A blatant red now was still a dismissal a few decades back
2) i get the thing about being marked down for wrong decisions, but the safety net of VAR is still likely to influence refs
3) Why should the ref get marks back for using VAR when the latter is always going to identify a leg breaker
4) Rooney has always been a cowardly dirty player. One of the downsides of the game not policing itself anymore, cowards can do this without reprisal
Oh I knew he was being serious. I was just having a tongue in cheek moment.
1) Some on here don't know when @Sheffields Finest is being serious. A blatant red now was still a dismissal a few decades back
2) i get the thing about being marked down for wrong decisions, but the safety net of VAR is still likely to influence refs
3) Why should the ref get marks back for using VAR when the latter is always going to identify a leg breaker
4) Rooney has always been a cowardly dirty player. One of the downsides of the game not policing itself anymore, cowards can do this without reprisal

I agree on 2

On 3, VAR is part of the game at that level. The ultimate goal is to get it right—so they should be dinged less if they get it right after review. (It also gives the R an incentive to take the input seriously. In another thread some argued that hotshot Rs won’t take input. But to the extent that would be true, the fact that their score is helped by the VAR sending it to the, to fix and them fixing it gives them an incentive to be sure they take the VAR seriously.)