U12 red card


Level 7 Referee
Had a situation at the weekend where blue team were through on goal play makes a challenge from behind catches him on the ankle. I sent him off for SFP as that was the more serious offence no complaints (surprisingly) from the player but the manager walked up to me at the end and said I shouldn’t be sending 11 year olds off I replied back im applying the laws of the game as this was only my 6th game just wondering was I correct to send the player off?
A&H International
Sounds nasty.

“Applying the LotG” could sound a bit cold. And is maybe something that could get a sarky response as, in the end, the book is bent for grassroots, kids etc.

Of course, no one (except @Sheffields Finest ) wants to give red cards, especially to kids. It seems here you have a challenge the warrantd a RC at any level/age and DOGSO to boot. You’ve made a very difficult decision, that is right and fair.
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If they are young enough to commit SFP then they are also old enough to suffer the consequences 🥳🥳🥳
Sounds nasty.

“Applying the LotG” could sound a bit cold. And is maybe something that could get a sarky response as, in the end, the book is bent for grassroots, kids etc.

Of course, no one (except @Sheffields Finest ) wants to give red cards, especially to kids. It seems here you have a challenge the warrantd a RC at any level/age and DOGSO to boot. You’ve made a very difficult decision, that is right and fair.
So, I was right...... again! 🤗🤗🤗
If his actions deserved it then you were right to Red card him and as for his coaches comment maybe a reply of “actions have consequences and if he didn’t get his deserved Red card he’ll never learn that lesson”
but the manager walked up to me at the end and said I shouldn’t be sending 11 year olds off

I'd have said "Really? Where does it say that then?" :)
There is a grey area in most reds. You use that area to change your tolerance for kids football and adults. But some reds are clear reds, kids or adults they must go.

Also in most cases the delivery of a red card for kids is not the same as what you would do for adults. I am pretty sure we have discussed this before. Possibly once every season.
With under 11's I do tend to adjust my tolerances a fair bit to let the game flow and let the kids play football.

Some times when there's a genuine mistake or such, I try to apply common sense and manage the situation where I can.

With some things though, there is no leniency. For example, if a player commits violent conduct, its a red for me, no exceptions no matter the age.

With tackles and such, often the younger kids are too small to actually be capable of doing any damage to themselves or others. Once they hit puberty that's a different story 😂.

But for me personally, for serious foul play at that age, it has to be exceptionally bad. Kids are just clumsy usually more so than anything, but you were the referee and you were there so you're the best person to tell us if it's a red or not, and obviously you thought it was so fair play.

Would also be warning the coach about his conduct if he said that to me, at least if it is in an agressive manner.
I have asked a manager in the past if he'd like to go through the LotG with me and identify which laws he would like applied, and which he wouldn't. He didn't have a comeback for that.
Don’t even offer him the carbon offset of an answer. You do what you’ve got to do. £&@“ him
I had an incident where two U12's were challenging for the ball on the run using quite a lot, but a reasonable amount of mutual shoulder to shoulder contact. The defender managed to get to the ball and clear it out for a throw but that caused him to spin and tumble to the ground and end up prostrate. As the attacked went to retrieve the ball he veered and stepped over the fallen defender, stamping on him as he did so. VC, no second thoughts. Coach wanted to know what had happened. Started to question the red. I just said very slowly "he intentionally stamped on a fallen opponent" and looked at him questioningly. No more complaints...
I have asked a manager in the past if he'd like to go through the LotG with me and identify which laws he would like applied, and which he wouldn't. He didn't have a comeback for that.
I've done something similar, I'll say that I wasn't aware that any of LotG were optional.
Its a bit different when it comes to say DOGSO to say Violent Conduct, no matter what the age if its VC then they have to go.

Just out of interest how long was gone in the game and what was the score ?