A&H International
I had seen two different things that might be part of handling. One was the non-deliberate-handling that leads to a goal. The other was completely removing deliberate and only evaluating arm position. I'm guessing that it is the first that we will actually see. But I've seen nothing about specific language--and that is going to matter a lot.

I don't recall seeing anything about DBs. I thought the big restart idea on the table was removing the requirement that GKs/FKs leave the PA to be in play.
You could tweet them on Twitter?
I could if I was on twitter :)

I think the details/wording of the proposals are not made public untill after the meeting. Which is a pity. The public can give any proposed change a good scrutiny before it makes its way into the laws.
I could if I was on twitter :)

I think the details/wording of the proposals are not made public untill after the meeting. Which is a pity. The public can give any proposed change a good scrutiny before it makes its way into the laws.
Also, people don't read ifab wording, they read how the media spin it. So makes sense not to publish something unagreed as someone, including refs will read the unofficial, take it as gospel and never read the final version.
Also, people don't read ifab wording, they read how the media spin it. So makes sense not to publish something unagreed as someone, including refs will read the unofficial, take it as gospel and never read the final version.
That's one way to spin it :)

The other way is if you have the official proposal (which is not published) you don't have to resort to media spin (which we have plenty of).
Also, people don't read ifab wording, they read how the media spin it. So makes sense not to publish something unagreed as someone, including refs will read the unofficial, take it as gospel and never read the final version.
Except that they always used to publish a full agenda until 2015 when the IFAB became a permanent, stand-alone organisation. I for one, thought it was extremely informative and helpful to see what all the proposals were ahead of time - and then which ones were adopted. What they're doing now smacks of trying to keep people in the dark about the inner workings of the IFAB, and for me it's a retrograde step.
I reckon they'll make scoring via a deliberate HB a red card offence and to deny any goal scored via HB
They may also remove the requirement for the ball to leave the PA from a defensive FK
So, assuming that they make all HBs in box a pen, then does a RC follow???, surely not!!! Yes I agree on Suarez ones, but the Otemendi ones too....RC for that??? So subjective!!!
So, assuming that they make all HBs in box a pen, then does a RC follow???, surely not!!! Yes I agree on Suarez ones, but the Otemendi ones too....RC for that??? So subjective!!!
They need to make dogso-h equivalent to scoring via a DILBERATE HB offensively
How many DHB goals do we see a season?? must be single digits in top 4 tiers??? Easy to solve, retrospective bans.....
So is what Henry did against Ireland a red or not because he passed the ball to a teammate? What if there's two passes? What if Henry controlled the ball with the hand and then kicked it in? Or does it have to go in directly off the hand? Seems like a big problem area to open up for what's a non existant issue.
I be surprised if there is a red card sanction for scoring, or indeed trying to score, with the hand...although not surprised if the "gains advantage" principle might arise, although I cant see it as a red, certainly a yellow
Whatever changes are made, I suppose it be nice if everyone from Champ League to Chomp League at least tries to follow the same interpretation !
Well West Brom would just be down to 10 there with 2 mins to go... Sheff Utd can breathe again, Great spot by the ref,
2 weeks in a row West Brom "cheat" to secure a home point???? Desperate !!!!!!
So is what Henry did against Ireland a red or not because he passed the ball to a teammate? What if there's two passes? What if Henry controlled the ball with the hand and then kicked it in? Or does it have to go in directly off the hand? Seems like a big problem area to open up for what's a non existant issue.
At the time, no red. Right now, no red. Next year, well we will have to wait and see what happens in a week's time. I agree it will be a big can of worms to open. That's why I was interested in seeing the proposed wording.