PL Referees £s


RefChat Addict
Moving this away from the 'Anthony Taylor' thread for obvious reasons!

A quick internet search and I found 4 articles from different sources and dates last year stating that the retainer for PL referees was 'between £38,500 - £42,000' with a match fee of £1,150 per game on top.

I DID find an article dated 2015 from the Daily Mail that stated the retainer was £65,000 - but given the source...………..

Would be interested if anyone can find anything 'official' though.

A&H International
I heard 80K a year but that may be paper talk...

Says it all really with Ozil sat on his backside on 250K a week!!!
I read that the year Howard Webb did both the EPL and WC finals he earnt £150k.
Absolute f***ing peanuts when you consider the £££ in the game.
NFL referees earn an average £160k after all bonuses
£80k a year to be mocked in the media and not be able to go to the pub without some d**khead having a pop? You must be joking!
The FA must laugh at referees behind their backs. I'm surprised referee unions around Europe haven't sorted this out years ago.
An EPL ref should be on £200k BASIC with a £2.5k bonus for every match refereed in the UK and £7.5k bonus for every ECL match.
Wouldn't even make a dent in the coffers
It's actually pretty crazy to be one of the very best professionals in your field and not make six figures. Especially when you consider the money in football.

I've done it a quite few times, :smoke::smoke: Now, if I was in football full time i'm sure I wouldn't have!!! I'd of been criss crossing the country on just about minimum wage at the beck and call of some man with a clipboard and spreadsheet! Its about making sensible choices really!!
It's actually pretty crazy to be one of the very best professionals in your field and not make six figures. Especially when you consider the money in football.

There's an old story that the media asked Arsene Wenger what he thought about referee's wages; He asked how much they earned, the journalist said '40k'.

Wenger said 'that's good.' but later it turned out he was surprised to find that it was 40k a year and not 40k a week.

I think they're criminally under-paid given the circumstances to be honest. And if I remember from some of the refereeing books I (sadly) have acquired, you're not permitted to be earning certain football-related money on the side without the permission of the FA, so sponsorships etc is apparently a bit of a tricky area to get into.
I would kill to do it for 80k.
Getting paid that to keep fit, healthy and share the pitch with the best in the business in the best stadiums.

Public perception would be even worse if say, the same guys, were making the same mistakes, but for 200k instead of 80k. (which is how the masses would view it)

refereeing is a privilege. To be chosen to do it at that level for me, would be an honour. The money would be secondary.
Guess it depends on your outlook on life.

clearly not aware of every persons own situation but 80k should be enough for most folk to live comfortably on...am guessing even say 99% of the folk on here manage with less than half of that right now.....

Regardless of the perverted amount players earn, and how they earn it, each to own, but the idea that a football referee gets 200k for detecting a free kick, when the PM earns 150k, is ludicrous.

Scrutiny? Pressure? Sending off that player for DOGSO, for right or wrong, wont affect the nations employment rate, interest rate,, health care, education, trade deals, hostage negotiations, transport infrastructure, mortgage rate or chances of Putin hitting the button...... some folk really do need to change their look at life ! 200k....ok then

You advocating the same referees, making the same mistakes but for 3 times the wage they currently get? thats not how business works....for 3 times the wage, you expect an increase in productivity, profit, or whatever parameter you measure your success on

if you really believe upping Jon Moss's salary tonight to 200k will mean he will make less mistakes this weekend then Narnia is just through there, down the hall way and open that big door....
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When the EPL was first formed and full-time referees were proposed, the deal (I recall) was for £30K salary + car + medical + match fee + pension contributions - To which Ken Bates said it was too much, so killed the the idea for a few years.

Making the salary too high means that they are under more pressure, and currently, we don't have the standard of referees in EFL to replace the EPL referees. A stronger backup would help the standard in the Prem League.
I personally dislike passionately the notion that if you pay refs more, you get a better referee. Its insulting.
What is more money going to do, help a referee see better? its derogatory to the profession to suggest otherwise
Then you are not going to like this post Ciley. You need to look at it longer term.

If the best referees in PL were paid say £10K-£20K a week, and the average PL referees around £5K-£10K, and this continues for say the next 20 years, will the standard of refereeing be the same as what is now?

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys (with due respect to PL and all other referees). That sort of pay will make the field extremely competitive (a completely new level to what it is right now) and attract a whole new generation of intellectual athletes into the the trade. You will have referee academies who parents pay for their kids to attend. I would love to see the day when "those who can't referee, will take up playing" :)

Increasing pay will not improve refereeing overnight but it is sure to happen in the long run.
Then you are not going to like this post Ciley. You need to look at it longer term.

If the best referees in PL were paid say £10K-£20K a week, and the average PL referees around £5K-£10K, and this continues for say the next 20 years, will the standard of refereeing be the same as what is now?

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys (with due respect to PL and all other referees). That sort of pay will make the field extremely competitive (a completely new level to what it is right now) and attract a whole new generation of intellectual athletes into the the trade. You will have referee academies who parents pay for their kids to attend. I would love to see the day when "those who can't referee, will take up playing" :)

Increasing pay will not improve refereeing overnight but it is sure to happen in the long run.

Indeed I don't like it. Unless anybody can show me evidence that paying someone more money makes them a better referee. Its only 20 years ago here refs were paid £40 to referee Celtic v Rangers.....today they get close to a grand....and are they any better? Nowhere near.
Either someone can see something and deal with it, or they cant. Whether they are paid £1 or £1000 wont change that
Indeed I don't like it. Unless anybody can show me evidence that paying someone more money makes them a better referee. Its only 20 years ago here refs were paid £40 to referee Celtic v Rangers.....today they get close to a grand....and are they any better? Nowhere near.
Either someone can see something and deal with it, or they cant. Whether they are paid £1 or £1000 wont change that
Indeed you missed the entire point of the post. Increasing pay (not paying someone more), will bring better talent to the pool to choose from. It does not make the current referees any better.

And your example of Celtic V Rangers, both pays are dismal that's why no change. If it was 50K now (for just the one top game, like players), I can confidently say there would be better referees covering it (possibly someone who is playing professionally right now and didn't even consider refereeing as a career)
Indeed you missed the entire point of the post. Increasing pay (not paying someone more), will bring better talent to the pool to choose from. It does not make the current referees any better.

And your example of Celtic V Rangers, both pays are dismal that's why no change. If it was 50K now (for just the one top game, like players), I can confidently say there would be better referees covering it (possibly someone who is playing professionally right now and didn't even consider refereeing as a career)

Nonsense, any of the crop of EPL refs been an actual footballer of note, and EPL been going, what, 25 years? None
Maybe Mark Halsey played for Crewe reserves or something but of note despite the huge incentives, none.

You cant teach a footballer to play football, you can coach him to be better and to develop, but, he can either bottom line play or he cant. i.e taking myself if i was 13, no amount of coaching would turn me into Zidane.
A referee needs to come into the game with the right motives, the feeling and passion for the game are prerequisites, the cash is secondary..

Its very common for players, ex players, pundits to come away with the same line re refereeing, "they have a tough job, I would not do it for all the money in the world"...... there is a reason they say this..
Scrutiny? Pressure? Sending off that player for DOGSO, for right or wrong, wont affect the nations employment rate, interest rate,, health care, education, trade deals, hostage negotiations, transport infrastructure, mortgage rate or chances of Putin hitting the button...... some folk really do need to change their look at life ! 200k....ok then

No more than Pogba missing an open goal in the last minute of a crucial Premier League match or Champions League Final will - but it'll potentially cost his club millions. His ridiculously high salary will just keep on getting paid though eh? (Just an example mind ;) ).

By the same token, any decision, whether correct or incorrect that a top tier referee makes can also have severe financial implications for the club/team involved. How much do they pay airline pilots? Surgeons? Neither of them have any say in whether Putin zaps us or not either, but any job that involves a decision-making process that potentially costs lives or vast sums of money generally attracts a salary commensurate with that.
Personally, I think that top level football referees, operating as they do within a billion dollar industry, are worth more than the paltry sums (by comparison) that we pay them. :)
I read these worthy posts on extra money etc and I can’t find many reasons not to disagree with the unfairness, not with the 80k, there should be 50 more to share the load, it’s the disparity with the obscene players wages, some of the superstars deserve their slice I’m sure, they are the ones that truly feed the cash cow. It’s the Joe average players milking teams in the Prem and to some degree In the championship for all their worth. Secondly, the agents and hangers on, they should be banned tomorrow.
As an aside, my brother has done well over the years, well paid, fairly fit, yesterday he started chemotherapy and radiology treatment, morale is, money is nice, very nice, your health is far more important. Look after yourselves, check your balls and keep dreaming of coming to Bramall Lane for your best ever assessment! ⚔️❤️⚔️
Pogba salary is paid by sponsors, the ST receipts, bank loans,and TV subsidy...
Millions worldwide pay to put his name on the back of their shirt and advertisers worldwide queue to use him in adverts
If you think the FA or PGMOL should go £500 million in debt to pay referees, they same as they are to pay Pogba, fine

I dont think that will be very practical but hey ho
We play Swansea on the weekend Wilfred Bony is generally substitute and is on 100k a week, do me a favour and £&@? Off! 👍
No one is saying get a bigger pie. I am saying get the referees a bigger slice of the same pie. Or should I say any slice. At the moment they are left with licking the crumbs off the plate.

A lot of ppl no sponsor cares about or no one wants their name on the back of their shirt make a lot of money out of football/PL. Richard who? 2.5mil
as with lots of things, folk are allowed their own say on it.
My own view is 80k is more than enough, to say a EPL ref for example should have a bigger salary than the PM is maybe ok in some worlds, but not mine
80k is not crumbs. Thats insulting anyone who earns less than that surely.