Futsal - new season - new DOGSO guidance

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
6 games into the futsal season.

Game 2, had to BB a GK who wouldn't stop whining and wouldn't leave the field after the RC. His team won 5-1, all long penalties.
Games 3 and 4 were interesting: first time with mics. Good for who is watching the ball, who has the rearguard as the ball is cycled around. One was 8-8, another 9-1.

5 and 6 today, U19 national league. First game, we let them play much more than I am used to, I was ref1 and felt in control, had to give one coach a strong warning but straightforward stuff.

National futsal ref chief showed up to have a quick look at the second. Tough one for me. Super experienced guy on the other side with a much more relaxed foul line than me. I mean much more. It was the most actioned I have ever allowed in a futsal game. We were in control, no bad sliders, nothing reckless, but we allowed a lot of holding and pushing that are usually easy careless for me. We were very consistent through the two games, but I felt I came across very passive and I was frequently twitching but not blowing to be consistent, against my instincts. Bit of an empty feeling really. Don't feel I was really myself. But this does happen in futsal with the two refs - sometimes you have to bend to be a team.

The start of the season is notable for some DOGSO guidance we have been given. Basically, if the GK is close to the ball, say less than 3m if the ball is close to goal, then we are asked to show yellow, as the likelihood of the save means the opportunity is not obvious. (Before you fire at me, I don't like it at all as it seems to me like a license to DOGSO!)
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A&H International
Good stuff.

It's a difficult situation when the two refs have significant difference in foul tollorance. It has to be a bit of give from both refs with R1 having the last say on how he/she wants it. If doing multiple games then it has to be consistent throughout.

I can see how the DOGSO guideline works. I always thought the chances of scoring in a one on one with keeper lower in futsal compared to football.
In English FUTSAL they instruct a one on one from the halfway line isn’t DOGSO. Combine them with your guidelines and you aren’t far off needing an empty net for DOGSO!
In English FUTSAL they instruct a one on one from the halfway line isn’t DOGSO. Combine them with your guidelines and you aren’t far off needing an empty net for DOGSO!
This is my problem with it.
We have been given a red zone - think the basketball free throw circle... so, wide is yellow, distant is yellow... and if the GK comes out to the edge of the area then near to GK is yellow...and in real time it always looks as though the GK is closer as they are always moving to the ball... it’s basically impossible not to go yellow.

This seems daft to me. Futsal already has the 2 min then replacement player law to make it easier for us to RC and preserve the spectacle/game.

Seems bizzare to then contradict that by making Dogso-r nigh on impossible.
I don't do Futsal, but I frequently have the same issue when running a line with a relaxed ref. I get frustrated watching matches as a fan when constant nudges in the back seem to be allowed, so always try to spot one early on to try and show that I find that unacceptable. May ref's I've been out with recently don't - and in one particular incident, I gave a push and the ref went to the trouble of coming over at an injury break and telling me he saw it but had no intention of giving it!

Makes me feel very passive when I'm stuck watching fouls that I'd give without a second thought in the middle, but that I know the ref on the night has no interest in giving.
I've had much more practice with the flag - and I think it's easier to handle a different foul line. It can be a bit frustrating but it's easy to keep the flag down - and really the more I work with better refs, the less flagging of fouls is required across the board.

Futsal is hard because you both have the whistle. And even if one is ostensibly ref1, you are 2 sides of the same coin.
It's Ref 2's responsibility to change their foul tolerance to match Ref 1 - in much the same way as when you're on the line, you have to change your tolerance to match your referee.

I don't like that 3m guidance. Chance of scoring is always reasonably high if you have the keeper to beat. Just seems ridiculous, ignoring 'opportunity'.

In English FUTSAL they instruct a one on one from the halfway line isn’t DOGSO. Combine them with your guidelines and you aren’t far off needing an empty net for DOGSO!
Well that's even more daft!!! That makes no sense at all!