Interesting one from today


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Had an interesting one today, cup game between two teams well-known for their rivalry, was a fiercly contested game and, on reflection, very pleased with my performance.

One thing that's stuck in my mind - and I don't think there's a right answer here, just curious as to your opinions - is this:

Defending team player recklessly fouls an attacking player. Attacking player squares up to defender and there's a bit of handbags. Two easy cautions. Attacking player then blows a series of kisses at the defending player in an attempt to rile him up even more, clearly taunting him. Was all over in a matter of seconds and a caution for each calmed things down. Would anyone consider anything else for that? Just an odd reaction I've never had before, threw me a bit when it happened.
A&H International
Think you got it spot on, it could be seen unsporting behavior and you could indeed punish him for that with a YC but so soon after first one i think you got it right.
If it happened before the cautions then just see it all as part of the same incident .. still YC for each.

If it happened after the cautions then I'd be tempted to give a loud blast, get that player back in, along with his captain and read the riot act / tell the captain to get him in hand or else