Bobby Madley - retired!?


RefChat Addict
Seen some Twitter rumblings (from reputable sources...) that he's retired due to a change in personal circumstances. Anyone else seem or heard anything!? Was only last month I officiated a charity tournament with him and he was gearing up for Europa league qualifiers and high profile friendlies...
A&H International
Most peculiar. Must be serious to give up what you've worked for so many hears to acheive.

Odds on his brother Andy being promoted to replace him?
I'm pretty sure that he has a Norwegian wife and family, so I would guess they are moving there hence this decision. If I'm right then perhaps he will continue his refereeing and FIFA career there.
If he moves country will he retain your FIFA badge? I know Alan Kelly moved from Ireland to the MLS but haven't heard of him officiating internationally since.
I'd like to see him have to do Norway's equivalent of a supply league for a season, get a few observations in so the Norway FA can see where his standard fits in to their structure.
Isn't that what the FA would do?
I'd like to see him have to do Norway's equivalent of a supply league for a season, get a few observations in so the Norway FA can see where his standard fits in to their structure.
Isn't that what the FA would do?
Certainly would never post it but if it appertains to said departure then surely it can be discussed in an adult way! #freespeeech
Certainly would never post it but if it appertains to said departure then surely it can be discussed in an adult way! #freespeeech

Only my opinion but its referee person related, and not to do with refereeing as such
By even mentioning there is a rumour it sparks curiosity and will lead to even more folk getting potentially the wrong end of the stick.
There is normally no smoke without fire so I sincerely hope it is a location issue only. It would be a shame should it not be because of his work to get to the PL and have it ended by something untoward. I liked him as a referee and he showed humility even in making errors.
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