

Active Member
Injury time in Champions League Qualifier tonight and referee gives a penalty for this handball. Personally, I wouldn't be giving this as a penalty although would love to know the general consensus and if I should re-evaluate my handballs?

For me:

- Completely accidental and not deliberate (falling from jump I don't believe was intentional or hand moved towards ball)
- Arm was in a natural position (falling from a jump, close to body)

A&H International
Absolutely not giving that...

I agree with you, it's an accident, he fluffed it and there was no advantage denied here at all, not that it matters.
No chance, completely missed the ball but was going for it & hand was by his side.

Shocking decision, mind u pitana probably woudnt agree with us.
No foul.

And that should tell you something since I think all but one of the PKs in the World Cup for handling were correct.
No foul.

And that should tell you something since I think all but one of the PKs in the World Cup for handling were correct.
You are deranged though!
(I mean that in the nicest possible way)

This clip illustrates a problem with the handball laws/guidance lower down the pyramid with less skilled players. This defender has poor technique: it’s a bad jump, he’s lost the ball... we have a similar problem with less skilled players sometimes when it comed to judging ’deliberately playing the ball’ at offsides.

This handball is so accidental and inconsiquential a PK is absurd. I presume the ref is again blinded by this idea of ’unnatural position’. IFAB should act and save us from this mess!
I think this absolutely should be penalised but I don't think the laws permit it to be. It's clearly accidental and a case of poor technique but he's attempted to play the ball and, under no physical pressure, or via a deflection, handballs it.
Not to seem like I'm avoiding the laws, but that doesn't feel like a handball to me. If someone can make a case in law for that being handball, then I'm of the opinion the laws would be wrong.
If someone can make a case in law for that being handball, then I'm of the opinion the laws would be wrong.
I think after the handball decisions in the world cup you can safely ignore the laws of the game for handball.
There was another one in that game too in the 85th minute. The defender had his arms above his head but the ball went off his head and never touched the arms. PK still given.
There was another one in that game too in the 85th minute. The defender had his arms above his head but the ball went off his head and never touched the arms. PK still given.
All three decisions no penalty then by the sounds of it, although only the first sounds clear cut
As a defender, I was left distraught so often by the ball hitting my hand. Not once did i handle the ball deliberately and not once did I feel that i could have avoided this, yet I must have given away a dozen or more penalties for this reason. I strongly felt that I needed to cut off my arms before playing to avoid this happenning
I'm sure there a lot of FIFA Officials, IFAB board members, FA representatives, Refchat members and officials in general, who have either; never played in defense, or never played at all, who couldn't possibly have personal experience of this. WRT FIFA and the sponsors, they just want more goals so WTF!
I know through experience that people assess HB differently according to whether they (themselves) played in defense or attack. Agreeing with all but one of the WC HB's is absolute nonsense from anyone other than FIFA sympathizers, employees, sponsors or partners; or those who have never had the ball hit their arm accidentally in the PA
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Honestly, what is happening to this game?
How can any referee call that? Is there some memo I've not got yet?
On the first, was it definitely for handball, or was it because of the dig in the ribs with the elbow? At real time that might have looked like a physical foul on the attacker.

The second is a penalty - it's a subtle movement but he's deliberately used the arm, close to body yes, but he's trying to be clever and has been caught out.