World cup final

Pitana wasn't even in my final four candidates for the final. I think I had that judgement pretty much right.
A&H International
I’m still amazed that Rochi didn’t get a quarter or semi final.

Anyway let’s cut Pitana sum slack we get the benefit of slo mo & a replay

Oh hang on a minute..
Good game.

I thought VAR was correct to give the handball. It's an obvious, deliberate handball. He brings his hand down and hits the ball away. Irrelevant if there was nothing to be gained from it, it simply was a handball. :p

Griezmann did a good dive for the freekick though. Pogba was great and has been all tournament, much to Mr. Souness' annoyances. Never have I seen a pundit so hell-bent on hating a player before. Souness needs to go and get laid.
Two good goals for France and the Sponsors. Unfortunately for Croatia, they probably won't be remembered for being kicked in the nads by FIFA, VAR and Pitana
The refs have been generally awful, but FIFA are responsible for this. Worrying that the Sponsors have influenced officiating throughout the competition :meh:
Please explain sponsors' influence or tell me where to look for info. Wouldn't surprise in the slightest BTW.
I didn’t see the incident so hard to comment but I’ll say right lads back to keeper yeah?

Or most times I don’t need to say anything they just know.

But that could be like u say only one player contesting ball
Then technically, you're breaking the LOTG. No idea why they felt the need to forbid referees from doing that, but a drop ball now has to be a totally neutral restart and you cannot recommend or instruct the players do anything.
Then technically, you're breaking the LOTG. No idea why they felt the need to forbid referees from doing that, but a drop ball now has to be a totally neutral restart and you cannot recommend or instruct the players do anything.

As I said 99% of the time the players know to give it back to the opposition if on the odd occasion there is any discussion regarding it I’ll softly advise what way I’d give it & then it’s upto them.
Please explain sponsors' influence or tell me where to look for info. Wouldn't surprise in the slightest BTW.
I'm inferring that it was very difficult to pick up a yellow and i'm stating that the referees declined every opportunity to dismiss the superstars. This consistency was clearly mandated, which obviously benefited the Sponsors (and likely FIFA officials on the take). The match officials probably despised their instructions
Well that killed a month.

Three weeks until the championship kicks off, no delayed flags - no VAR - dissent cautioned - infact any infringements dealt with properly.

Can’t bloody wait