The Ref Stop

Leaving the field of play


Always smiling
Had a player leve the field of play to change his boots without asking me first, only knew he had gone off when he asked to come back on this was deep in the defending half nowhere near play
I had a quiet word with him told him to let me know next time . Was this correct ? don’t think it warranted a caution ?
The Ref Stop
Law 12: Caution and dismissal for S7 if he's also come back on without permission.

Law 18: Definitely correct. Spirit of the game and all that!
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I think the fact that he asked to come back on is working in his favour here. I'm in favour of having a word with him here. No impact upon the game, no tactical advantage, he has at least attempted to do the right thing....
It’s a common accurance for players to leave the field of play for whatever reason without asking permission, ironicly it’s also a common accurance for them to ask to come back on.

I deal with it buy giving them a little lesson & explaining that they could be booked if a referee was going by the letter of the law, hopefully it’ll make them go about it the right way next time, if they don’t then more fool them.
I deal with it buy giving them a little lesson & explaining that they could be booked if a referee was going by the letter of the law, hopefully it’ll make them go about it the right way next time, if they don’t then more fool them.

Ooh, I used to get so much stick because early on in my career I found out that most referees do not follow the substitution procedure... No matter how often I explained, keep the sub *off* the field until I get there, inevitably clubs would ignore the instruction and I just dished out the caution for entering without permission.

Sometimes they cottoned on, but the grief I got when the second sub did the same bloody thing... :mad:

The new county I'm at seems to have the sub procedure done properly, or at least teams seem aware of it, so haven't had this issue this season. :D
I genuinely believe that most/some players are unaware that they can actually be booked for leaving the FOP without permission. If they tear their boots or something and need to change them, they instinctively leg it off the pitch to do so as they want to get back into the game as quick as possible. As long as they wait for permission to come back on, I think its in the spirit of the game just to mention that he should have told you but I wouldn't take it any further than that
Had it on Sunday, player brought it to my attention that an opponent was off the field drinking a bottle of water, I went over to the side of the pitch and said to him no matter what level of football leaving the field without the referees permission is a mandatory yellow card, I said do you want me to book you? He looked at me in shock & said no, i said dont do it again then..

Tell you what though folkes one thing I’ve found in a few of my matches is how petty & childish some players can be, grassing each other up every 5 mins, ref he’s got a watch on, ref he said this, ref he’s off the pitch, ref this ref that.. gets tiresome.
Tell you what though folkes one thing I’ve found in a few of my matches is how petty & childish some players can be, grassing each other up every 5 mins, ref he’s got a watch on,

While I take your general point, that particular example is not petty - no player should be wearing a watch. It's dangerous.
Had it on Sunday, player brought it to my attention that an opponent was off the field drinking a bottle of water, I went over to the side of the pitch and said to him no matter what level of football leaving the field without the referees permission is a mandatory yellow card, I said do you want me to book you? He looked at me in shock & said no, i said dont do it again then..

Tell you what though folkes one thing I’ve found in a few of my matches is how petty & childish some players can be, grassing each other up every 5 mins, ref he’s got a watch on, ref he said this, ref he’s off the pitch, ref this ref that.. gets tiresome.
I think It’s only a mandatory caution if in the opinion of the referee the player was trying to gain a tactical advantage .
Then you'd be thinking wrong mate .... :);)[/QUOTE
Well personally I would not mandatory caution for leaving the field of play if not trying to gain an advantage a stern word for me is enough obviously if it happened again after being warned then I would have no problem issuing the yellow
He's right if he's in the US, whose soccer federation advises that unless a tactical advantage is gained the referee should regard it as trivial.

Surely Law > Advice though? :P

Tell you what though folkes one thing I’ve found in a few of my matches is how petty & childish some players can be, grassing each other up every 5 mins, ref he’s got a watch on, ref he said this, ref he’s off the pitch, ref this ref that.. gets tiresome.

Had that recently; they wanted a player off the pitch for 'treatment', I said no because he hadn't received treatment. The physio had entered the pitch without my permission. I honestly didn't see the physio on until it was too late, so by the time I sent him off and we were restarting... well...
Why would you refuse permission for a player to leave the field to be treated?

Player went down, I gave a freekick. As I went to ask if he needed the physio on, he said no. I turn around, see the physio has come on of his own accord. So I send the physio off and we restart, cue; opposition team demanding the player be sent off as he's apparently 'had treatment' - Which I said no, he hasn't.