Off the ball incident

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So whats the merits of a CAR giving you a throw that you are looking at anyway, but not a KMI that you have not seen?
The merit of a CAR giving you advice on throw ins (and offsides) is twofold. Firstly, it is far easier to see ball in/out when standing on the line. Secondly it allows you to take up better positions from which to give the other decisions. Not sure about pitches in Scotland but trying to correctly judge ball in/out on poorly marked lines from where I want to be positioned is extremely hard ....

Whereas, taking advice from a non neutral on a KMI is just a bad idea all round. Full stop.
A&H International
Graeme, get off that bloody high horse. It’s a friendly forum not a lecture theatre. All opinions are valid, including yours.. chill.... relax .... better?
Why would I let a CAR give a throw I've seen clearly? You seem to have a very strange idea of what people use CAR's for.

I'm the referee and I make the decisions. If I'm not sure, I have club assistants who I will I was allow to assist me as and when I feel it's appropriate to do so. I (and everyone else on this thread) have decided that it would not be appropriate to go purely on the say so of a club assistant for a KMI. Again, I'm struggling to understand why this is difficult to follow?

I am able to post without questioning your wisdom.
Am glad your ability as a referee requires the assistance of a total random.
Thankfully, mine does not. Ever.
Best just we move on.
Graeme, get off that bloody high horse. It’s a friendly forum not a lecture theatre. All opinions are valid, including yours.. chill.... relax .... better?
Because he's either genuinely not understanding what I'm saying, or being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to be awkward and undermine my point. Either way, asking why he's not understanding the fairly simple point I'm trying to make seems valid if we're going to get anywhere near a point where we understand each other's point of view?
Does it not come down the instructions given to CARs before kick off. The advice I read from the FA is not to involve CARs in decisions other than ball in and out of play, hair line goals and offside.
One FA document gives the following advice briefing"" It is most likely today that all fouls and misconduct will be given by myself, this is to keep consistency throughout and to not add further expectations on to yourselves. Albeit you may have a different view on an incident, please leave these decisions to me and as the referee I will take responsibility.""
Now what way is it going to look if a referees asks advice from a CAR on VC particularly if there is provocation and retaliation with perhaps only the retaliation seen. I have asked for opinions after games to be told "I did not see that" or "I was too far away from it " Also a CAR may not want to disclose the full extent of an incident that puts him in a poor position with his team or he may wish / not wish to be involved in a sanction against any player.
I had a CAR try to come on to the FOP recently to try to inform me what happened as it related to a player from the opponents side. Even if he was 100% unbiased it was not information I could credibly use nor expect to use and I asked him to go back to the sideline. I just had to accept that I missed an incident and so be it.
I just dont see why refs tolerate being advised a ball is out of play, but not that someone has knocked somebody out cold

I guess it will never change, as long as officials in whatever area are either content with it, or not prepared to kick up a fuss
Imagine the match control issues Ciley - one is a KMI and the other happens routinely throughout the game. If the players own team advised me thats what he did, I'd be inclined to do something about it. Imagine acting based on what an opposing teams CAR said involving a dismissal and retaining control. It's almost impossible. A throw in decision will do nothing to impact match control unless it's horrifically wrong.

It would end up as a playground - 'ref he/she did this' 'ref he/she did that'. If you go with a CAR's decision for balls in and out of play, quite often they have a far superior vantage point and can make a better decision - and I will use that as an excuse should a fuss be kicked up.
You sum up my point ! if you are taking "help" for the routine nothing calls, what in reality is the point at all
The "help" you really need, is for things you cant possibly have seen !

Suppose its what you see weekly and what you have been brought up with.
The routine nothing calls are ones which are much easier with the help of a CAR. I always find it more challenging officiating without them because you are expected to do literally everything at grassroots which further up the pyramid you are not expected to do. I'm not taking a KMI from an unqualified CAR. I do agree with the point you make but for me its all down to match control.
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