ref vs CAR

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
On Saturday I bumped into a coach who my son used to playfor I have known him years and reffed his team on numerous occasions. I was just about to go off to my game and him the same. He told me a story which left my chin on the floor. My friend coaches U15s so never has any parents to run the line so he does it himself and leaves the coaching to his assistant. The game was progressing but the ref was stuck in the circle of refereeing so not very close to play. I did ask whether it was an older referee but it was a young lad.The coach flags for a throw in for his team. The ref overrules. No issue although the coach was closer. 5 mins later the coach signals for a throw in for his team again, being closer. The ref starts blowing his whistle and starts to shout for the CAR to join him in the centre circle. The coach calmly refuses to go over and asks if you need to speak to me please come over. The ref storms over and says are you taking the piss? The coach replies I dont know what you are talking about. The ref then replies you were flagging sarcasticely.
I do know I have only heard one side of the story and there are always 2 sides. Anybody had sarcastic flagging before and how would I recognise it?
A&H International
Referee sounds like a joke, and I hate to talk ill of another match official. No credibility from his position and if he started treating me that way as his CAR I’d refuse to continue. I’d be debating carrying on if I was a NAR in complete honesty. Nobody wants to run the line in that situation. Unless they’re clearly not bothering, don’t interfere. They won’t put a flag up sarcastically particularly if it has the possibility to negatively impact on their own team.
Sounds very odd, like you say two sides to every story would be interested to hear the lads side of things, me personally before I became a ref I would have given him both barrels but now I’m a ref and look at officiating and situations a bit differently I would have given him the flag & walked away.
Referee sounds like a joke, and I hate to talk ill of another match official.

I have trouble giving decisions when i'm right next to the incident, never mind standing idly in the centre circle. :O I swear, some people have superman vision. :p
If my CAR is actively taking part in the game, I always support them 100% and it's one of my pet hates when coaches/players have a pop at someone volunteering to help me out when actually they probably don't want to be running the line and are just trying their best
Sometimes their tone can be irritating, but no referee worth his/her salt should be riled by sarcasm. 90% are good to work with, and I do my very best to shoulder the burden of the decision when players of the CAR's team complain about an offside.
Oh hello....

No, I cant and wont
Don't disagree with your view, but the CAR system in a lot of counties is so entrenched that it's here to stay. You wouldn't necessarily sanction the idea if proposed now, but one can make the best of a situation that still probably helps more than harms.
Am long since arguing on it, Am aware some countries/leagues whatever, require it
I maintain its insanity and the referees who tolerate it shoulder their per cent of the blame
It could (and obv imo shoukd) be stopped by majority rule
But whilst sheep pander to status quo, equilibrrium remains
Can u imagine a heart transplant doctor training for 8 years then seeking help off Hilda the cleaner?

Total lunacy and to anyone in that position, blame your forefathers,and yourselves for the problems within

Get your point but you wouldn’t ask your assistant in theatre to perform the op & you wouldn’t ask your assistant to referee the game.

For me and I’ve said this time & time again drop the refree money by a fiver or maybe a tenner get the clubs to chuck in a fiver or a tenner & get two neutrals to run the line, adults or over 18’s.

There was 40 people on my refereeing course 37 of them were between 16-18yrs old & when asked why are you here the majority said our clubs our paying & it’s a way for us to earn a bit of money at wknds.

I can only speak from a new referees point of view I guess it would be different for experienced refs but I wouldn’t want the responsibility of calling the offsides & considering the youngsters are desperate to earn a bit of pocket money at wknds I think it would make sense.
I wasn't against CARs originally but as i improved they went backwards so i didn't bother asking after a bit! Good luck to those who it works for but it wasn't for me!! I wasn't so much a Heart Transplant Doctor more the medication dispenser at the Lunatic Asylum!! :angel:
A women's league I ref on about twice a year insists that CARs be supplied and accepted. On Sunday the away team CAR flagged for a goal kick when the ball was not out of play and was in fact being held by the keeper.

It turns out she thought she was flagging for offside. When I asked her which player was offside she gave me the number of one of the defenders.
Can u imagine a heart transplant doctor training for 8 years then seeking help off Hilda the cleaner?
I do quite like being compared to a heart transplant doctor. Football is a matter of life and death. (and this was my version of sarcastically flagging)
Can u imagine a heart transplant doctor training for 8 years then seeking help off Hilda the cleaner?
The heart doctor wouldn't be cleaning the operating theatre, whereas Hilda would be. I was asked by the paediatrician to hold forceps and keep the swabs in place after my wife had given birth, whilst he [... no need for full detail here ...]. In your analogy I should probably have refused to do it.

For me, you adjust your game to the capabilities of the CAR. Lots of clubs have people that run the line as a CAR week in, week out. I know plenty that have attended the referees course to enable them to be better on the line, not because they ever want to be in the middle. Got someone who doesn't have the first foggiest about offside? That's fine, ask them to just to in and out of play. Unless you believe you'll be better at calling an offside than someone who has been doing it for 20 years, stays in line with the second last defender religiously, and demonstrates themselves to flag honestly...?

And I have to say, it adds to some of the more "interesting" narratives from the side lines when watching these lower league games :)
Referee sounds like a joke, and I hate to talk ill of another match official. No credibility from his position and if he started treating me that way as his CAR I’d refuse to continue. I’d be debating carrying on if I was a NAR in complete honesty. Nobody wants to run the line in that situation. Unless they’re clearly not bothering, don’t interfere. They won’t put a flag up sarcastically particularly if it has the possibility to negatively impact on their own team.
never mind the car refusing to continue if i told him to join me in the centre circle and he refused, there is no way he would be continuing, another example of why i am glad we dont use car in scotland ball in out of play is all club coaches subs, supporters, which in reality is all a car isare allowed to give uphere
In my leagues clubs have to provide CARs, and can get fined by the league if they don’t.

The leagues don’t state what responsibilities they should be given, but in my area it is normal for them to do offsides.

While have come across some bad CARs, I don’t think I’ve ever had one in my games who was deliberately trying to benefit their team/cheating.

I would never demand that a CAR came to the center circle. If I needed to speak to them then I would wait until a suitable break in play then go over and talk to them.

I find that working with CARs and treating them as part of you team gets much better results.
I find that working with CARs and treating them as part of you team gets much better results.

In those leagues how would you handle the situation where you have a CAR who, it becomes clear, does not understand the offside law?
In those leagues how would you handle the situation where you have a CAR who, it becomes clear, does not understand the offside law?
What do you do when you don't have a CAR? Cos the answer to the two questions will be essentially the same: you simply modify your position to give yourself the best possible chance of calling offsides correctly and overrule the CAR if/when necessary. Of course, the advantage of using CAR's is that the vast majority of the time, you don't have to do this and can referee from sensible positions, rather than having to kill yourself to get ahead of quick breaks.
What do you do when you don't have a CAR? Cos the answer to the two questions will be essentially the same:

I'm not sure I agree with that. If you have a competent CAR on one side and an idiot on the other it gives an advantage to one side.

I've refereed in three leagues this season, one with no ARs, one with NARs, and one with CARs. On balance, I think I prefer no ARs to CARs. Some CARs are excellent but it's rare to get two good ones in the same game.