VERY last minute game - eventful!

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I wear glasses normally but lenses during games. Too easy for players to question eyesight otherwise but they tend
to make me shortsighted which can cause problem when writing in notebook etc!
A&H International
I smell trolling here, so this is a proactive cut it out. You won't just have posts deleted, you'll be having a rest to think about why your posts were deleted.
I smell trolling here, so this is a proactive cut it out. You won't just have posts deleted, you'll be having a rest to think about why your posts were deleted.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I assure you I am not “trolling” whatever that may mean. I do wear lenses only for reffing and they do make me more shortsighted!
I have no idea what you are talking about. I assure you I am not “trolling” whatever that may mean. I do wear lenses only for reffing and they do make me more shortsighted!

I don't think he's signalling you out on this occasion. :)
I smell trolling here, so this is a proactive cut it out. You won't just have posts deleted, you'll be having a rest to think about why your posts were deleted.
Well technically it would have been proactive if you said it before you smelled it. After you smell it it becomes reactive. :)
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Most of my matches need to follow association or tournament rules and glasses are always allowed. I've had a ball smashed into my face almost once a year, so my personal preference is not to wear sun or prescription glasses. As for other referees, I think, they need to follow their preference because what is most important is feeling comfortable and confident out there.
Everything has to be put in perspective when assessing danger and safety.

Are studded boots dangerous. You bet they are. How many gashes and other injuries do you see caused by a stud which wouldn't have happened if it was a non studded boot? Yet we allow them even though the laws just say footwear (not necessarily allowing for studded ones). We allow them because not allowing them has bigger consequences icluding safety.

In the bigger scheme of things, if you have an AR or a referee with glasses, even if they are not the safety or the sports type, then allowing it is the more common sense action then not allowing.

You don't see referees with glasses on the top level because of the image rather than safety. It creates a criticism talking point for media and nowadays social media. That's what i think anyway.
I agree, I'm only referring to sports glasses in matches at the youth level. When you go up higher, that's a different story.
I have never taken part in a game where the ref or linesman wore glasses
Kinda hard to force a player to remove theirs if you are wearing yours.
Thats no doubt been covered before I guess
I know if I was referee and my AR wanted to wear glasses I would stand him/her down from the game
I guess its different from country to country.

Absolutely ridiculous. No basis in law full stop. I have been with older referees who wear glasses in the dressing room and then take them off for the match - because of perception and ignorant comments like this. I wear glasses (sport glasses but they are not wrap around/secured) and I have had maximum 2 or 3 comments from players over the years and they have been minor. This is by far the most offensive and uninformed view on glasses on the pitch...and it comes from a fellow referee.
Once booked a keeper from 80 yards who suggested my focal impairment was worse than his from his box... nothing better to have a jog back up the yellow brick road to administer his tenner relief!
I have never taken part in a game where the ref or linesman wore glasses
Kinda hard to force a player to remove theirs if you are wearing yours.
Thats no doubt been covered before I guess
I know if I was referee and my AR wanted to wear glasses I would stand him/her down from the game
I guess its different from country to country.

Have been refereeing for 15 years plus in them, know/seen plenty of referees who do the same plus my (appointed) AR yesterday was also wearing them.

My own are plastic frames and lenses & very lightweight.
Yes sports specs are fine. A pair of specs such as standard reading glasses are not
Remind me of any top level officials we saw this weekend avec glasses.....

??? You're always reminding us how the top level is a different game - this rather proves your point!;)
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