Charity friendly

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Blew off some old cobwebs today with an easy 5-4 walk in the park.

Had the strange situation of having to untangle two players as a rear stud caught in the laces of another player and somehow they didn't break away and became locked. No cards, and all low key with very little to actually referee on. A bounced up goal line / crossbar shot wasn't over the line IMO but apart from that I got my photo in the mach day programme with a small write up and i'm invited to a pie and Pea supper tonight...Bit stiff now but i've used muscles that retired last year!!
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A&H International
Went to the night do tonight and sadly the father of the home manager had a second stroke in the room as they were arriving. Jumped into First Aid mode and they got him dispatched to the local hospital which was hundreds of yards away!! Hope he's ok!!

Got to present a few awards and help in the quiz which turned into a draw. Bonus point turned into 'what steps did the referee do in todays game?'
Any ideas what was the correct answer??
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Just got good news that the Managers father was released from hospital today after an overnight stay for checks etc. They think he'd just overdone it after a stroke early this year and insistent that he wants to return to work!! He's 63 and still turns up as an un-used sub in the match and spent last week organising everything from a match day programme, booking the pitch, the night do and the presentations etc. I saw him flagging sat in his chair and asked him if he was ok early on, 10 minutes later he was completely with the fairies and on his back. Having my own father in law have one last August and seeing what can happen and seeing some other patients in the Stroke Ward it does humble you when you see the lights being turned off slowly after a stroke happens (metaphorically).