Bradley Totney

New Member
Hi everyone,
Just a quick question. Brought the Apple Watch series 3 yesterday, I’m thinking about using it for tracking distance and heart rate when I’m refereeing. How do I set it up? If so, is it any good?

A&H International
You just need to use the Workout app and choose either Outdoor Run or Other as the activity. Doing it that way though I wouldn't recommend stopping and starting that watch as that is fiddly (swipe right then pause), and to use it for that function you'd be better off with a specific app. Refsix appears to be the leading one, but there are also others such as GoRef and RefWatch.

I just use the Workout app, principally because I got the watch free through the Vitality health scheme. To keep it free I need to do five days in each week of at least 30 minutes activity at 70%+ heart rate or do 12,500 steps. I therefore need the activities to be synced to Vitality, and I'm not convinced they will be if I use any of the refereeing specific apps.
Nice one @RustyRef, just subscribed and downloaded RefSix onto my watch, just having a little fiddle with it now (the watch). Seems perfect for what i need right now, do you think I could get away with using it on Supply League Middles/Lines?

No reason why you can't wear it on any game, it is a watch at the end of the day and referees are allowed to wear watches. Will work better I suspect on senior games where you get team sheets a long time before kick off.
I second what Rusty says about team sheets.

On leagues where you don’t get them you’d still need your notebook etc.

On leagues where you get them, but at the last minute you might not have time to type all the details into you watch and then sync it with your phone.
Yeah, I have a samsung smartwatch, which isn't compatible with Refsix at the moment, but the in-built fitness app does heart rate and distance tracking. And if you set it to track a 45 min run, it works as a countdown watch too.
I have not use it yet but there are fitness tracking android watch that provides me with the data that I need. It really helps in keeping my motivation