Woah Teddy Teddy...

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Chaps (and chapesses)... after a long career winning f*** all, I've won something.

I'm off to an FA gala in a mo and apparently I'm getting a gong. I am terribly chuffed. I just don't know what it is yet. It must be ref-related but it's not one of the main ref awards. I am surprised and quite excited. I'll be back later to tell more, when I know!

A&H International
Well done. Always a great feeling to be recognised for your achievements. Managed a league and a county award last season, was well chuffed.

Looking forward to hearing what u get
So, after all the player, coach, ref and special team awards were given out, there were 5 of us got special awards.
All the other gongs were bronze medals - and included the region's best player award - given to a HJK player who just won the national league for the 7th time... and e.g. our brightest ref star, girl who just made the women's national team etc... the other special awards were all for club chairs and secretaries... one old guy was in tears... and I was the odd one out... our awards were something like "order of merit for special contribution to the football community"... and they said nice things about me - my enthusiasm and giving and taking advice etc.

I think they must read RefChat! And I got cruise tickets to Sweden! Result!
I never got one memento in 11 years refereeing, I wasn't one of the lads or the County's favourite. I wasn't picked for finals and I certainly didn't referee teams that could count to ten never mind work out any honest Club marks!
I once watched an 18-19 year old Level 5 from my local area and had to shake my head with his absolute inability to control grown men! I'd seen him in the changing room before the game and he was telling me his story and career path, a true County boy doing good! He'd got all the kit and looked the part. My game had finished and I was asked by subs from both sides to watch was happening as he'd completely lost the game, the men and any sense that he was in charge. One even asked me to take over!!! I laughed and told him to stop been silly!!

Great that they've appreciated your efforts Santa ... god Jul....:).
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