Junior/Youth Things you don't expect to hear

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
I reffed 2 U18s teams on Sunday, one of them I had been on the line for in the summer and the other team I had reffed a few times when they were U16s last year. An exciting game spoilt a bit by the wind. Before the game I was speaking to a club official who remembered I had been on the line. Anyway I got all my KMI right one booking for a foul tackle no dissent and a nice game to ref but not that challenging. I didn't think I was fantastic but thought it was a consistent performance. The club official when paying me told me I was the best ref they have had this season, and how they have been apointed ref X three times and don't want to use him any more but feel they can't as their is a real shortage of youth refs for upper age groups in my area.
I dodged the question of whether I knew him or not, but I did think I was just ok and although I knew I hadnt had a bad game I didn't think I was amazing. Threw me a bit.
A&H International
Eat it up!
It's rare but take it every time!
Then do your own performance review and join us back in the real world..........
Team on Sunday told me when they handed over the team sheet that they had already completed the referee report form, as "they always give the referee 100". Alarm bells ringing at this point, and in any case as a former L3 back at L5 they are barking right up the wrong tree with that approach as I do not care a hoot about my club marks. As it happens they were fine, won heavily with just one caution, but I can see how they could be a right handful if things weren't going their way.