naughty celebration

A&H International
That is brilliant. :lol: why send him off though? Perhaps it was funnier to watch than to officiate!
looking at the footage it looks as if he got a second caution for USB. personally i think it would be down to the individual referee on the day and how the game has gone. You could also argue that lifting your shirt over your face/covering your face is an instant caution, does this not fall into the same area of USB even though its not specifically stated???
100% caution all day long.

You could argue FOUL/ABUSIVE

As LoTG states it can be gestures - what do ppl think - food for thought ESP as he done it to the crowd and he looked like he was going commando
But it's the best goal celebration! Ever. EVER. :)

Pros: they are his own fans he is wiggling at
The laws don't expressly mention such an event(!)
It is a unique celebration in the style of Braveheart

cons: he broke public decency laws.
It is unhygienic and a clear health and safety breach !!!

would I caution him? Probably. Would I want to? No, the man is clearly a slightly tapped genius!
He is wearing pants, but nevertheless is bringing the game into disrepute. Caution for USB but with a smile on my face.
maybe also be a caution for delaying the restart, he's presumably got to put his shorts back on before the game can kick off again...
I am it 100% sure he has pants on? From the back it looks like he does, from the front.... Not so much
Depends on your definition of offensive. They appear to be his own teams fans :) and they seem to be enjoying the celebration!!!

your harsh Ryan!!!! :lol: although i dont dispute, you might be correct!
Decision is 100% correct due to the fact taking your pants off is the same as taking your shirt off, both are bookable offences.
Depends on your definition of offensive. They appear to be his own teams fans :) and they seem to be enjoying the celebration!!!

your harsh Ryan!!!! :lol: although i dont dispute, you might be correct!

I would love to defend myself but I've completely forgotten what he did and the video no longer exists :p :D
:lol: I wouldn't worry, I am sure what you said was correct. I was just impressed with his inventiveness!
I'm just playing Devil's advocate here. I still think that booking someone for celebrating scoring a goal is the ultimate kill-joy action, the vertiable party pooper! After all goals are what the game is all about! If I recall correctly I read that a player would only be booked if he celebrated a goal by removing his shirt to reveal an undershirt bearing a political, racial or offensive message upon it. In other words the removal of the shirt in itself would not be a cautionable offense. Who decides these things? Grumpy Cat? :p
I agree. Kill joys!!

that said waving your junk at supporters with your shorts on your head is probably something that should not be encouraged!
I'm just playing Devil's advocate here. I still think that booking someone for celebrating scoring a goal is the ultimate kill-joy action, the vertiable party pooper! After all goals are what the game is all about! If I recall correctly I read that a player would only be booked if he celebrated a goal by removing his shirt to reveal an undershirt bearing a political, racial or offensive message upon it. In other words the removal of the shirt in itself would not be a cautionable offense. Who decides these things? Grumpy Cat? :p

Page 120 of LOAF- Celebration of a goal

A player must be cautioned if:

* in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative, derisory or inflammatory
* he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored
* he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt
* he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item
Page 120 of LOAF- Celebration of a goal

A player must be cautioned if:

* in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative, derisory or inflammatory
* he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored
* he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt
* he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item

Thanks for that, clears things up a bit. I still think it's a poor show that someone, somewhere (probably someone who has never played the game) sitting at a desk in the bowels of FIFA gets paid to come up with that stuff!
You could sell a caution for this under the 'covers head or face' point.

Trouble is, removing the shirt/shorts/boots/socks/ whatever delays the restart. I was at Old Trafford to see Forlan score once (rare enough in itself) but he celebrated by removing the shirt and twirling around his head.

While the wife nearly fainted at the sight of his abs, he'd got himself in such a tangle that the game kicked off, the ball came to him and he hadn't been able to replace the shirt. The crowd loved it, the players and benches were all laughing as well, even the ref had a smile on his face........whilst he fished in his pocket for the yellow card.

I think 'over-celebrating' would become a problem if there aren't these kind of sanctions in the game, as miserable and grumpy as it makes us appear, at the higher levels of the game I do think they re needed, and football being football, the laws are the same for all.

I can't remember ever seeing a card for removal of shirt at amateur level though.