
I sent one off a few years ago for a stamp right on the left inside of the groin on a player, OOCH, he went absolutely ballistic when i pulled out the cherry, i was everything under the sun.... and more.... I was smiling on the inside but not changing my mind!!!! :redcard:
60 minutes later having probably realised how much crap he was in and his own players telling him how bad it was he came over and calmly shook my hand and apologised.... Had him later that season and he was as quiet as a mouse!!! :smoke::smoke::smoke:
A&H International
Considering this is in Essex FA's area.....and we have a few from Essex on here........anyone need to confess something? :)

For the record....yes, red card is the only correct answer here.......
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I thought it would be dissent-only nationally for the first season?!?
I was thinking "Why is everyone saying red card, the lad only tripped the guy over".... didn't see the timer
Essex FA are using sin bin for fouls as well? We have gone down the dissent route only.
I'm fairly confident that this referee was making it up as he went along as I've certainly not been told to do anything along the lines of what he was doing.

I actually saw this video a few days ago and was on the verge of posting something about how ridiculous it was that the away player who was "sin binned" when the first two players got in a shoving match ended up being the assistant. But then I realised that of course under proper sin bin rules, there would be no need for the original assistant to come on as the team would normally be playing a man down for that time. It's definitely not been done right.
And what is with the ref having the CARs running right-backs, rather than left-backs... Feels so unnatural on the odd occasion been asked to do this.
And what is with the ref having the CARs running right-backs, rather than left-backs... Feels so unnatural on the odd occasion been asked to do this.
It's something I've been meaning to try when I have a friendly, but I always forget - perhaps he's just taking the opportunity of it being a friendly to prepare for that eventuality?
Whilst the referee did not have the perfect angle we had I doubt he'd have shown the red anyway.
His complete failure to deal with the confrontation in any meaningful way minutes earlier showed the players they were in charge of this match.
Classic crap Sunday League ref that makes it hard for the rest of us
.. those bloody trainers :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
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Whilst the referee did not have the perfect angle we had I doubt he'd have shown the red anyway.
His complete failure to deal with the comfrontation in any meaningful way minutes earlier showed the players they were in charge of this match.
Classic crap Sunday League ref that makes it hard for the rest of us
.. those bloody trainers :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Its textbook. 9 out of 10 other refs would have done what's required, and 5 out of 10 would have at least pretended to go through the motions of resembling a referee, "you" turn up next week to one of those teams, do the things correctly, or at least, show more interest in doing so, and its you that's the one ruining the game.
Totally appreciate grass roots referees are essential, there might be circumstances are to why that referee acted throughout as we see on the clip, maybe he was there to watch his son having already officiated two games that day, was worn out but the ref never turned up so this ref donned the kit. That said, to wear a referee badge and (presumably) get a match fee for what we see in the clip is borderline fraud.