Considering Packing it all in.

jordan clarkson

Jordan Clarkson.
Level 5 Referee

At the moment im so un decided about overall officiating,

I feel i don't get the chance other officials do, ive requested to go down to our Referee Development centre (Centre of excellence) but i had no responce. I feel like since ive failed my fitness test no one is interested. Maybe thats just me feeling sorry for myself?
Also finally, I have 1 sleeve tattoo and a sleeve in progress on my other arm, I ALWAYS wear long sleeve shirts, will this stop my progression in the game? I know Clatts has them but you dont see anyone else with them.
I unfortunately failed the fitness tst in the summer (down to unable to motivate myself) and now the season has started im really not enjoying games, I used to really enjoying Lining, now i don't. A big factor of this is Dissent, It is starting to bother me, When it never has before.

Has anyone else ever gone through this? How did you over come it?

I'm 19 years old & ive been refereeing since i was 14 and i feel like ive come on leaps and bounds!
A&H International
Get a grip, you are young and have plenty of time to progress. And if you can't get yourself motivated leave the game for a few years, maybe even play it for a bit.
Hi Jordan.

Tattoos.... don't worry about them.

With regards to your fitness test, if you have failed it, a centre of excellence isnt the best place for you at this time. They don't want people that fail, they want people that are at the top of their game and willing to do what it takes to get to the top. Failing a fitness test which, in my opinion isn't that testing, isn't a good look for someone as young as yourself at level 5. I'm not trying to offend you but that is just the reality of it.

As far as dissent goes, it is a pain in the arse but unfortunately you have to learn to deal with it. As a level four and above (where you obviously want to go), you are going to be subjected to it for the rest of your career, particularly from the sidelines. As a referee and as an assistant team, it is down to you guys to deal with the dissent on the field. If you're getting fed up with it, you have to take a tougher stance on it because it is obviously occurring too often.

You're young and are doing well to be a level 5 at only 19 years old. Get some experience, )not just game experience but life experience also) and push on up if that's what you want. You certainly need to get fitter though as the higher you go, the more demanding it is.
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I completely agree. I know I've let myself go, Brilliant thanks for your advice, it'll be taken on board thanks a lot!
Hi Jordan.

Tattoos.... don't worry about them.

With regards to your fitness test, if you have failed it, a centre of excellence is t the best place for you at this time. They don't want people that fail, they want people that are at the top of their game and willing to do what it takes to get to the top. Failing a fitness test which, in my opinion isn't that testing isn't a good look for someone as young as yourself at level 5. I'm not trying to offend you but that is just the reality of it.

As far as dissent goes, it is a pain in the arse but unfortunately you have to learn to deal with it. As a level four and above (where you obviously want to go), you are going to be subjected to it for the rest of your career, particularly from the sidelines. As a referee and as an assistant team, it is down to you guys to deal with the dissent on the field. If you're getting fed up with it, you have to take a tougher stance on it because it is obviously occurring too often.

You're young and are doing well to be a level 5 at only 19 years old. Get some experience, )not just game experience but life experience also) and push on up if that's what you want. You certainly need to get fitter though as the higher you go, the more demanding it is.
Just stick with it mate and get your enthusiasm back
Just to support what @DB says the CORE aren't interested in those who fail their entry criteria. Their resources are limited so they have to focus on those who can motivate themselves, that can run in circles for the required length of time/pass the distance and can self manage.

You've moved quickly in a short space of time and based on your age I'm guessing this to be the first time you've tasted disappointment in life never mind refereeing. I know what I was like at your age. I believed I was unstoppable and then I came a cropper both at work and in my personal life. It took me a while to pick myself up and I lost ground on my peers. Don't wallow in your disappointment and start planning your return to the upward path.

Dust yourself off, set yourself some short (end of season) and medium (next 12-15 months) term goals and then consider where you are now, what you have to do to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Don't be too ambitious, just take it at a year at a time and then focus on making little changes to help you achieve those things. Stupid little things like replying more quickly to Steve Lazenby's emails, getting to your game 10 minutes earlier, being firmer with players so you avoid having to pull out a card/get to dissent, etc. can make things will get better.

Keep plugging away - Rome wasn't built in a day!
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