Been lined up with my 3rd observation

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Hi all on Sunday I have my 3rd observation this time though I'm completely on my own I have club linos and that's about it now I won't be changing my usual pre match to club officials it will be the same as any other I give I've already told the team officials that I would like tape to be matching colours and nothing else is there anything else I should do or try do to get some extra brownie points and by the way I will be refereeing to how I referee and nothing will be changing
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A&H International
Instead of doing the pre match Respect Handshake get everyone to lay down and have a spoon before the game starts. To show you don't think you're better than the players go at the very beginning so while you're cuddling someone you don't get one yourself.
Hi all on Sunday I have my 3rd observation this time though I'm completely on my own I have club linos and that's about it now I won't be changing my usual pre match to club officials it will be the same as any other I give I've already told the team officials that I would like tape to be matching colours and nothing else is there anything else I should do or try do to get some extra brownie points and by the way I will be refereeing to how I referee and nothing will be changing
Caution for mandatory caution situations, e.g. delaying the restart. Caution for suggested unsporting behaviour, e.g. removing shirt after scoring a goal, deliberate handball that breaks up an attack and make sure you know the difference between DOGSO-S and DOGSO-C. never be more than 15m from play, observe the drop zone from the side, only use advantage in the final third, measure out your 9.15m correctly, line them up either inside or outside the penalty area but never on the line.
On my last observation and the observation before that I was picked up for taking up the normal text book dead ball corner ball situation what positions would you recommend I have picked one place where to very where I'm standing and that's coming in around the penalty area
On my last observation and the observation before that I was picked up for taking up the normal text book dead ball corner ball situation what positions would you recommend I have picked one place where to very where I'm standing and that's coming in around the penalty area
If you want to be really clever start with the text book one. On the next corner just point at a couple of players jostling and tell them that you're watching them. On the next corner, change your position to get a different angle, say lining up with the edge of the goal area but pulling out so you are about 10-12m from the centre of the goal. On the next corner, pull out a couple of players and bollock them before the ball is played. Then go back to your original start position. Sometimes these manufactured situations aren't necessary and they will occur anyway, for example you might have to pull out a couple of players on the first corner.

Whatever you do, make sure you get each of one of these scenarios in if possible.
So if there is a handball or other infringement you know they are inside or outside. Make it loudly known when you line them up whether they are inside or outside so there is no griping if an offence does occur.
So if there is a handball or other infringement you know they are inside or outside. Make it loudly known when you line them up whether they are inside or outside so there is no griping if an offence does occur.
That makes no sense whatsoever. Players will move forwards/back, or their arm will anyway. If anything DHB will be much easier to judge if the player has their feet on the line than behind it!
I certainly hope no assessor would even consider a markdown if a referee puts the wall on the line....
That makes no sense whatsoever. Players will move forwards/back, or their arm will anyway. If anything DHB will be much easier to judge if the player has their feet on the line than behind it!
I certainly hope no assessor would even consider a markdown if a referee puts the wall on the line....

Wouldn't mark down as it is more of a coaching than competency thing, but I would give them that advice. I've been given this advice by numerous assessors and coaches over the years and it makes absolute sense. You say something like "you're inside the box guys, keep the hands down as it would be a penalty", there is then absolutely no wiggle room if someone does handball. He can argue all he wants but you have him bang to rights. Whereas if you put the ball on the line you are likely to not have a clue if any handball was inside or outside, especially as you are very unlikely to be anywhere even close to level with the edge of the area. So any handball decision you would effectively be guessing, and either way you will hack off one set of players.
That makes no sense whatsoever. Players will move forwards/back, or their arm will anyway. If anything DHB will be much easier to judge if the player has their feet on the line than behind it!
I certainly hope no assessor would even consider a markdown if a referee puts the wall on the line....
Not often I disagree with you mate but I too have been given this advice on a number of occasions and think it's invaluable. Of course players will move, so it's not fail safe .. but gives you a much clearer idea of whether any handball is in or out and far greater credibility with the decision you make. And given the accuracy with which we're estimating 10 yards anyway, half a yard more or less is entirely reasonable if it aids decision making ...
Positioning them so they are wholly inside or outside the area, doesn't need to be far - just enough that they know where they are.

If during the free kick it's obvious the player does step forward so he would be outside the box and hence it not being a penalty then it leaves him open to a failure to respect the required distance at a restart caution.
Hi all on Sunday I have my 3rd observation this time though I'm completely on my own I have club linos and that's about it now I won't be changing my usual pre match to club officials it will be the same as any other I give I've already told the team officials that I would like tape to be matching colours and nothing else is there anything else I should do or try do to get some extra brownie points and by the way I will be refereeing to how I referee and nothing will be changing
How did it go @ref craig ?