New to refereeing


New Member
Level 7 Referee
heya all I am a new referee. I have meant to have my first league game a week on Sunday just wounding if anyone else is waiting to hear back from the league.
Thanks Craig
A&H International
Hi Craig, I am in the same boat as you, still not heard what league i am on.

Where you on the same course I did? At Birmingham academy?
Not only just me then and nope I had mine at rugby jfc. But I have my safeguarding course on Monday night at bcfc.
Not only just me then and nope I had mine at rugby jfc. But I have my safeguarding course on Monday night at bcfc.

My safeguarding course should have been this Monday, but they moved me onto one at the end of the month now.

Let me know how it goes please, so I know what to expect.
That's don't sound good. Were was you meant to have your safeguarding course.
I was hopeing that I was going to be able to watch the team I wood be refereeing for to give me the head up.
That's don't sound good. Were was you meant to have your safeguarding course.
I was hopeing that I was going to be able to watch the team I wood be refereeing for to give me the head up.

The safeguarding course for me was at Birmingham County FA in Great Barr. It got over subscribed so I had to make way.

As for the first match, I was told by Richard at Birmingham FA that I would get an email last Monday saying what league I am on. I didn't get that email so contacted him and he still hasn't responded.

So yeah Birmingham FA are in my bad books at the moment!
Ow that's crap then hopefully you get on your next one then. I have been emailing them for the lasted 3 weeks to see when I will have my games. But not getting a word back. The club that I have been with for year the manager done his referees course lasted novmber done the 5 games and waiting on the exam. They need to sort there act out.
Hi Guys, sounds frustratingly similar to what's happened down here in Somerset

My suggestion would be to find out the contact details of some leagues in your area and offer your services. Despite what it says on the county websites, it seems it's up to you to get some games. I did my course in July, have just today done my fourth game - got the first two through a contact on this site, another by emailing a ladies team and offering my services (as a ref!), today's was because one of the course tutors is also ref sec. for a few leagues.

With respect to the safeguarding course, I think you only need to have done that to do U16 and below football - you can do open age without it.

I know a number of us from my course have got frustrated with no games since the course; use any contacts you have/can find, take the initiative and try and get yourself some games instead of waiting for your FA to do it for you.
Weren't the first games supposed to be tomorrow for all those on the new courses? BCFA have ran very few courses over the last two years and to counter that they decided to run about 10 courses over the summer, they obviously didn't consider the admin implications of that!
RefJef made good suggestions there are plenty of Open Age leagues that are desperate for referees.
Thanks for the suggestions Jef and Bester.

I will be contacting the 2 leagues nearest me on Monday.