From the centre spot........


Midweek match blue vs yellow...... come half time whistle blue 2-0 up..... Blue takes kick for second half player says to me can i kick at goal from kick off i says "of course" i blow the whistle and i can see he's going to have a punt on goal and i glance over and the goalie is on the penalty spot. Blue kicks ball, sails straight over back peddling keeper and ball loops into the net 3-0. blue team goes mental with celebrations, i find out afterwards that the player had said to his team mates "if i score a goal from the kick off i'll buy the first round later"
yellow team persevere, played well and ended the match 3-3..... but the goalie got some mickey taking after the whistle....
A&H International
its funny how many players are asking that now.... can i kick straight at goal... but thats something that actually hasn't changed since last season
Exactly! I had someone ask me if he could kick the ball into the opposing corner....not totally sure why he wanted to do that, but let him get on with it.
Players ask because some refs say they cannot score directly from kick off... ;)
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Seems a tradition in my games that the first kick-off after half-time will be a shot on goal.
There is a youth side local to me that have done this every time I have seen them play, worked for them as well on a couple of occasions.
Players can still kick the ball in any direction and no players still go off but if a player can be treated on the field of play they don't have to go off
Players can still kick the ball in any direction and no players still go off but if a player can be treated on the field of play they don't have to go off

Craig i think we are all aware of that mate, this was more of players views on the laws!!
When i referee a game if a player receives a head injury and he does not have treatment (if he does receive treatment still will ask him to leave FOP) i.e. gets up after a minute i will ALWAYS ask him to leave the field of play (i do explain to the player why) just so i can see he has recovered and got all his senses together (not giddy etc) then i will allow him back on..... new law states a player does not have to leave the FOP after treatment ... but for me head injuries are the exception in every case.
When i referee a game if a player receives a head injury and he does not have treatment (if he does receive treatment still will ask him to leave FOP) i.e. gets up after a minute i will ALWAYS ask him to leave the field of play (i do explain to the player why) just so i can see he has recovered and got all his senses together (not giddy etc) then i will allow him back on..... new law states a player does not have to leave the FOP after treatment ... but for me head injuries are the exception in every case.

Mike - You have made the same mistake as Craig - players DO still have to leave fop after treatment. The new exceptions are if you have issued a yellow or red card to the player that caused the injury. Otherwise old laws still apply.
And, of course, that the treatment takes place within a reasonable amount of time... longer treatment? They still have to leave.
Mike - You have made the same mistake as Craig - players DO still have to leave fop after treatment. The new exceptions are if you have issued a yellow or red card to the player that caused the injury. Otherwise old laws still apply.
Well, smack me round the face with a wet fish, i stand corrected (after consulting the new laws again) :)