Poor punditry

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Anyone watching and listening to the rank bad punditry posing as 'experts' for the Euros.... Amongst the worst offenders are Ian Dowie and Lily Savage... Two complete waste of time footballers who have taken their lack of football talent into punditory and are failing miserably at that too...

I wince when they chip in with their false one eyed view of a tough tackle or booking, most times they are just wrong!!!
A&H International
I must say I think that Slaven Bilic has been a real find, bringing an insight and expertise that is rare to find in the studio.

I want a pundit to tell me something that I, as a mere fan, would not have otherwise spotted. What I don't want is someone telling me "the boy's done good" or "he should have scored from there" - I can see all that.

So, to spread the debate wider, here's my opinion on a few of 'em:

Lineker - excellent anchor man. Not a simple role, but he does it with an easy, engaging charm.

Shearer - don't know how he has been on our screens for so long. Doesn't bring anything to the party.

Lee Dixon - like him, thoughtful, contributes well in an intelligent manner.

Hoddle - can get a little excitable, mangles the English language, loves a cliche, but insightful and worth listening to.

Steve McLaren - heard him on Radio 5 this morning. Trying to build a career in the media as his managerial one falters? Still sounds like that time he spoke English in a Dutch accent. Not good.

Chris Waddle - an occasional summeriser on R5 live, like his passion. Pulls no punches and talks sense, particularly when England misfire.

Slaven Bilic - as noted above, the best of the new crop. But why do ITV put him in such a small chair? Reminds me of a Dad at a (primary) school parents when they have to sit in those diddy chairs for 4 year olds. Hoping the ITV budget can stretch to some proper man sized furniture.
Wise words RJ, to be fair to Andy Townsend he seems to have come back talking sense so far!!!

McLaren had a good one a few months ago on Sky, ball rebounds from the floor upwards and accidently hits a strikers fist (facing downwards) as he bursts forward.... (clearly NOT deliberate handball). Ball breaks kindly and he slots it away.. McLaren pipes up that it HAS to be handball because he clearly gained an advantage from it hitting his hand!!! Then says it wasn't deliberate though....WTF is that idiot on about!!! Its no wonder Parks players haven't a fecking clue!!!
My most hated pundit has to be Niall Quinn. he may talk sense sometimes, but boy does he get things inaccurate and annoyingly wrong most of the time.
(He's improved more over the last season or so)
You would have thought that being on TV and talking about football would require some degree of qualification like passing the LOTG exam!?
You would have thought that being on TV and talking about football would require some degree of qualification like passing the LOTG exam!?
Not sure about a "qualification" as such, but I would have thought anyone being paid the (presumably) large amounts of money they get to prognosticate on the game of football, might actually bother to take the time to read the laws of the game they are commenting on.
Not sure about a "qualification" as such, but I would have thought anyone being paid the (presumably) large amounts of money they get to prognosticate on the game of football, might actually bother to take the time to read the laws of the game they are commenting on.

I agree it's a 'crime' - but what is the more series offence:
  • Pundits not knowing the LOTG
  • Players not knowing the LOTG
Pundits are talking to / influencing potentially millions (or dozens on BT Sport!) so the impact of their mistake is widespread

If I'm playing a game, any game, I want to know the rules / laws ... I knew 90% of the LOTG before I started ref-ing - I hope I know a similar amount for other sports I participate in
I once read that in the USA all their sports 'experts' (I won't refer to them as pundits) have an element of pride in their role and learn the intricacies of the Laws particularly in American Football. They want to come across as professional and knowledgeable.
Sadly in the UK everything is down to callers into shows particularly on 5live and Talksport where it's all black or white / chalk and cheese in an attempt to get the uninformed to phone in. Sadly this lazy reporting / opinionated methodology has moved onto TV.
I have to agree, Slaven is amazing ... not only is he a great manager but also a great pundit ... he is in essense God ... his Payet being the 2nd coming of Christ!

all biased jokes aside ... I think Slaven is showing why current managers make good pundits, they know what they are talking about, everyone creamed over Payets goal against Albania - Slaven all calmly (after his celebration off camera) says 'he does that day in day out' ... also the 'possession' argument he had with Wrighty ! 'possession doesn't win you a game...'

I cant stand Danny Murphy, he just sits quietly as if he is a a party with his dads friends sipping a coke lol
Did you hear Keown last night? He was the worst of the bunch!

Take him any day over Owen Hargreaves :mute:

Slaven Bilic - as noted above, the best of the new crop. But why do ITV put him in such a small chair? Reminds me of a Dad at a (primary) school parents when they have to sit in those diddy chairs for 4 year olds.

I have a parent's event on Friday afternoon at my daughters school - I know this pain!! :cry:

Pundits are talking to / influencing potentially millions (or dozens on BT Sport!)
I cant stand Danny Murphy, he just sits quietly as if he is a a party with his dads friends sipping a coke lol

Ouch, these put downs are stinging today! :blackeye:
Robbie Savage storms into the lead ... commenting on the first Iceland goal last night, scored from a long throw in. "The thrower's foot was clearly on the pitch (sic) when he took that" . Yes, and his heel was clearly on the line, dimwit :wall:
Robbie Savage storms into the lead ... commenting on the first Iceland goal last night, scored from a long throw in. "The thrower's foot was clearly on the pitch (sic) when he took that" . Yes, and his heel was clearly on the line, dimwit :wall:
I noticed that one they even showed a slow motion replay with the camera zoomed in on his feet......clueless!!
Best so far for me have been Bilic and surprisingly Andy Townsend... Heard a bit of Howard Webb last night, if he sits on that fence for too long this splinters will hurt!!! Did you hear Jens Lehman.... patronising *****, has he got posh since he retired?
English isn't Slaven Bilic's mother tongue but he manages to be interesting!

