Never given one of those before...


Politically Incorrect
Unusual one in today's game.

Right from the off away keeper is taking his time with kicks from his hands, like they're 1-0 up in the last minute of a cup final.

I give a few shouts to get on with it from a couple of these and they pass without penalty.

Then about 20 minutes in he slides at the feet of an attacker to collect the ball. As we all move upfield for the kick he bends down, touches ball down on ground for 1 second, straightens shinpads, picks it up.

Nobody appealed and it wasn't like he was wasting time, looked genuine so we carried on.

He then properly puts ball down, attacker closes down, he picks it up.

I blow and award IDFK, which home team take quickly and completely squander.

Anybody else had to give one of those rarities this season?
A&H International
I had it today. Ball came in from a rogue cross. Keeper gathered it easily with no pressure. In the same movement from catching the ball, he then rolled it on the floor. He looks at it... I look and him and think "don't you do it... Don't do it"..... He does it! No appeals from anyone ... I'm the only one that knows what's happened (and my assessor). I blow the whistle and award the idfk for handling a second time. Keeper is completely confused. I take a moment to educate whilst the teams are scratching their heads. I explain he has full and positive control of the ball when he gathers it up... He goes away having learnt something. I often find it odd that these guys who ply their trade in goal don't understand this aspect of law.

I also had one last week where a ball was kicked back to him, he knows he can't catch it so palms it down before booting it away... Again, a quick bit of education time and he went away with a bit more knowledge than he arrived, this time about controlling the ball with his hand, he was under the impression he just wasn't able to catch it.

Highly experienced assessors at both games happy with how I approached the situation which is always good.
Great to hear DB. Great refereeing. I often get this sort of thing in O35 matches, players in keeper who have never played the game before. Handling a backpass with no hesitation then look to me with confusion.

Had to laugh at the first one - give him the second chance and he tries for the third!!
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I had it today. Ball came in from a rogue cross. Keeper gathered it easily with no pressure. In the same movement from catching the ball, he then rolled it on the floor. He looks at it... I look and him and think "don't you do it... Don't do it"..... He does it! No appeals from anyone ... I'm the only one that knows what's happened (and my assessor). I blow the whistle and award the idfk for handling a second time. Keeper is completely confused. I take a moment to educate whilst the teams are scratching their heads. I explain he has full and positive control of the ball when he gathers it up... He goes away having learnt something. I often find it odd that these guys who ply their trade in goal don't understand this aspect of law.

I also had one last week where a ball was kicked back to him, he knows he can't catch it so palms it down before booting it away... Again, a quick bit of education time and he went away with a bit more knowledge than he arrived, this time about controlling the ball with his hand, he was under the impression he just wasn't able to catch it.

Highly experienced assessors at both games happy with how I approached the situation which is always good.
Question for you, and all;
Defended attempts to play a pass to keeper, but chips it too high (think Dixon if you remember it) and it's going over the keeper's head and in the goal. With an acrobatic backwards dive, he tips it over the bar for a corner. Defender apologises, everyone laughs, attacking team set up for a corner and there's no appeals.
What do you do...?
Unusual one in today's game.

Right from the off away keeper is taking his time with kicks from his hands, like they're 1-0 up in the last minute of a cup final.

I give a few shouts to get on with it from a couple of these and they pass without penalty.

Then about 20 minutes in he slides at the feet of an attacker to collect the ball. As we all move upfield for the kick he bends down, touches ball down on ground for 1 second, straightens shinpads, picks it up.

Nobody appealed and it wasn't like he was wasting time, looked genuine so we carried on.

He then properly puts ball down, attacker closes down, he picks it up.

I blow and award IDFK, which home team take quickly and completely squander.

Anybody else had to give one of those rarities this season?
Yes and the attacking team scored
Question for you, and all;
Defended attempts to play a pass to keeper, but chips it too high (think Dixon if you remember it) and it's going over the keeper's head and in the goal. With an acrobatic backwards dive, he tips it over the bar for a corner. Defender apologises, everyone laughs, attacking team set up for a corner and there's no appeals.
What do you do...?
Corner kick because you couldn't call that a deliberate action. It may have been an intended deliberate action but the outcome was not as intended
The quality of the kick to the GK is irrelevant. It is the intention that matters. If the referee is 100% sure it was a deliberate kick to the goalkeeper then it is an IDFK. The out clause is whether the defender intended to kick it wide.
How much has to be deliberate? The action of kicking? Or do we have to account for the direction, the power and therefore, the intention.

For what it's worth, if the keeper's making a diving save and only just tipping it out for a corner, then I strongly doubt the defender did what he was intending to do and I wouldn't blow up for that.
Try and re-write the sentance with the "intent".

Best bit of advice I received was "remove the word intent from your reffing vocabulary and see if you still come to the same decision."

wW can never know what another person's intent is, so we must remove that possability. At the Pro level there may be an element of a known or assumed intenet. but guys that you see once or twice a season , na.
Corner kick because you couldn't call that a deliberate action. It may have been an intended deliberate action but the outcome was not as intended

That's a minefield that one.
Good one @DanCohen17

I'd give an IDFK all day for that.

Deliberate back pass kicked back to the goalkeeper by a team mate. Goalkeeper then deliberately makes contact with the ball using his hand(s). Reaction save or not it makes no difference.

If an outfield player "reacts" with his hand to stop the ball going into his own net thus preventing a goal - it's still deliberate handball and either a penalty/DOGSO card or a goal and a caution.

Why completely circumvent the LOTG just because it's the goalkeeper?
That's a minefield that one.
Good one @DanCohen17

I'd give an IDFK all day for that.

Deliberate back pass kicked back to the goalkeeper by a team mate. Goalkeeper then deliberately makes contact with the ball using his hand(s). Reaction save or not it makes no difference.

If an outfield player "reacts" with his hand to stop the ball going into his own net thus preventing a goal - it's still deliberate handball and either a penalty/DOGSO card or a goal and a caution.

Why completely circumvent the LOTG just because it's the goalkeeper?
Except you can't give DOGSO against a goalkeeper for controlling the ball with his hands inside his own penalty area (how many times have I typed that?)