Teams being suspended


I reffed a rather unpleasant game last weekend, which resulted in 2 red cards for the home team inside the 1st 30 minutes (1 for serious foul play, 1 for 2 x YC). I also had to overrule the CAR for an opposition goal, which resulted in the flag being thrown down and no one willing to replace them from the home team.

In this league, I have to do a match report to go direct to the league to include any disciplinary action, and any general notes. As it wasn't a nice match to referee, I included all details, and gave them a 2/10 for respect (I don't think I've ever given below a 6 before)

Fast forward to last night, and I see through the wonderful world of Facebook that this team has now been suspended by the league for their conduct in this game, using my match report as the evidence. Cue lots of comments on FB about my performance (without mentioning my name), but mainly vitriol towards the league.

Whilst I don't regret anything I wrote in my match report, I would have thought it would have been nice of the league to let me know that this was the plan of action, rather than just seeing it online?

Has anyone else had anything similar?

Oh yeah, from the letter the team posted online, they were also fined for giving me a 1/100 rating!
A&H International
1/100? that's cracking mate! I've never got that good before :D

all jokes aside, that's crazy ... was the game really that bad?! anything other than the incidents mentioned? what was the other team like?

regards to letting you know, I don't suppose they have to do anything - but common courtesy would be nice ... have you informed your ref sec about the comments?
The player who got dismissed for 2 x YC refused to leave the pitch for a few minutes, and the spectators were being morons, which were both included in the report.

The other team were fine. I have reffed them a few times this season and they've been fine every game. I haven't reffed the home team at all this season, but did a few times last season. Nothing stands out from those games to make them memorable.
I'd take screenshots of the comments on Facebook, especially if they are being made by players and or club officials.

Send them to the league so that they are aware of what is going on, not sure whether this could also he reported to the FA as well though.

I can't understand reactions like this. I appreciated players/teams might disagree with a specific decision etc. But it's big boys rules and if they can't do the time then the shouldn't do the crime.

When did people stop taking responsibility for their actions?
Send the screenshots to your RDO and Discipline Officer, there should be a few extra charges going out to the club!