almost done

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
only got two more games lined up now :(
youth game saturday U15's and OA cup final line sunday... thats it.....
oh and two more games to play.
been a steep learning curve since i started last august, but ive loved it so far, and i have to say that just from being on here (and even though ive not necessarily participated in every thread going) , ive found it an essential part of what i take out onto the FOP with me.
really looking forward to next season, hopefully a bit fitter and ready to learn more
A&H International
I've finished now I think, unless I get an unexpected invite!

My county are trying to get a new U20 league going so my hope for next season is that I can get a few games on that, to go with my Ryman U18 and U21 games, and all the others of course.
Still surfing on a relentless tidal wave of fixtures...

There can in fact be too much of a good thing!
I'm expecting some supply league games to come in May as well as 2-3 middles for the supply leagues non-marking divisions but that's about it. Only got one Sunday league game left.
Middle tomorrow night is the last appointment I have lined up at the moment - I wanted to give myself a week or two off to rest my ankle, and in retrospect, I think that means I've basically made myself unavailable until the end of the season! But I've given all my leagues some dates after that, so I guess we'll see.
Middle tomorrow night is the last appointment I have lined up at the moment - I wanted to give myself a week or two off to rest my ankle, and in retrospect, I think that means I've basically made myself unavailable until the end of the season! But I've given all my leagues some dates after that, so I guess we'll see.
Was you not tempted to battle it through to the end of the season and then have a good 3 months off?
Was you not tempted to battle it through to the end of the season and then have a good 3 months off?
Nah, I've got a busy bank holiday weekend lined up socially, so was always going to be off this weekend - once that decision was made, it seemed sensible to give myself a week off after that and since I'm new to the leagues I'm currently refereeing in, I didn't really twig that this got me to the end of the season until I didn't get any of the usual appointment emails!
Ha! Our outdoor season only started two weeks ago. I just got May's fixtures. 9 nice games, inc 5 middles. All games are at my top two qualification levels, no padding. Very happy.
Supply League last game, May bank holiday. County League is busy until 14th May. Women's League last game (potential title decider!) 22nd May. Nicely on track to cover off my (2016 / 2017 promotion attempt) middle / line requirements by the end of this season :)
Was you not tempted to battle it through to the end of the season and then have a good 3 months off?
do we all get to that point? currently nursing tendonitis in my achilles, a bruised knee from a lovely tackle couple weeks back, still get niggles in the other knee from the op last year, wrapping the wrist up for precautionary measures when i play (from the break suffered whilst in goal september), and a sore shoulder from a tumble last week ... so yes resting at the minute comprises tennis tomorrow and friday, reffing U15's saturday morning, playing 90 minutes (hopefully :)) saturday afternoon, and AR sunday morning.... tennis sunday arvo..... then thats it, ive promised the mrs nothing for a while after that
2 Supply assessments to write up, refereeing a Challenge game on Fri night involving coaches from two local EvoStik sides, 2 possible semi-finals next Mon for County Women's League, 2 4th officials next week on Cup Finals, last league game as referee on May 17 and then possibly involved on the finals from the semis next Monday.

Then there's the possible Supply assessments in May from my other Supply League and after that a few weeks off before starting prep for new season ... without refereeing before heading to Paris for a week to observe at the PWC2016.

I used to have a life.
2 Supply assessments to write up, refereeing a Challenge game on Fri night involving coaches from two local EvoStik sides, 2 possible semi-finals next Mon for County Women's League, 2 4th officials next week on Cup Finals, last league game as referee on May 17 and then possibly involved on the finals from the semis next Monday.

Then there's the possible Supply assessments in May from my other Supply League and after that a few weeks off before starting prep for new season ... without refereeing before heading to Paris for a week to observe at the PWC2016.

I used to have a life.
and then you can relax and watch the euros , right?
Still getting bloody appointments! Turned down 3 this week for last week of the month, and got 2 more over the next week or so :eek::mad:

Need a break!