2 down...1 to go...


Politically Incorrect
Two assessments down, an Above Standard Expected, and a Standard Expected.

I'll take the Standard Expected - was far from at my best last Saturday - carrying a couple of small injuries, a dash from another game in the morning quite some distance away, a very, very heavy pitch and a split contact lens in one eye.

Not that I'm making excuses, regardless of all these factors I wasn't at my best.

Anyway - 1 to go, fingers crossed its not this season!
A&H International
Why, oh why, do referees accept games in the morning when they know they are being assessed in the afternoon.

It worries me that you don't consider it appropriate to give your full attention to a game.

What happens if you pull a muscle in the morning and have to cry off - both a game goes without a referee and an assessor's afternoon is wasted....all from seeming to get some extra money.
Why, oh why, do referees accept games in the morning when they know they are being assessed in the afternoon.

It worries me that you don't consider it appropriate to give your full attention to a game.

What happens if you pull a muscle in the morning and have to cry off - both a game goes without a referee and an assessor's afternoon is wasted....all from seeming to get some extra money.
Personally, I "accept" matches long before an assessor would be assigned - case in point, my match tomorrow has been lined up since the start of the month and I only got the call to say I was being assessed this morning.

I don't take two matches in a day because I'm sore enough after two in a weekend, but if I did have a Sat/Sun lined up and found out I was being assessed on the Sunday, I don't have the ability to suddenly not have a match on the Saturday without cancelling a pre-existing appointment. I assume the same applies if you accept an am/pm pair of appointments.
Personally, I "accept" matches long before an assessor would be assigned - case in point, my match tomorrow has been lined up since the start of the month and I only got the call to say I was being assessed this morning.

I don't take two matches in a day because I'm sore enough after two in a weekend, but if I did have a Sat/Sun lined up and found out I was being assessed on the Sunday, I don't have the ability to suddenly not have a match on the Saturday without cancelling a pre-existing appointment. I assume the same applies if you accept an am/pm pair of appointments.

You seem to have mis-understood. Taking a Sat and Sunday game, I have no problem with. It is the Sat morning game, then struggling to get to an afternoon game and perform to the bar of your abilities.
Why, oh why, do referees accept games in the morning when they know they are being assessed in the afternoon.

It worries me that you don't consider it appropriate to give your full attention to a game.

What happens if you pull a muscle in the morning and have to cry off - both a game goes without a referee and an assessor's afternoon is wasted....all from seeming to get some extra money.

Woah there horsey...

Just to clear a couple of things up, I got given the morning game in November (you heard right, an April game in November), the afternoon game at the beginning of the month and had an email off the assessor two days before to say he would be assessing.

My previous assessment I got no prior confirmation, the assessor came to introduce himself in the changing room before the game.

Finally I don't do games for money. I don't take extra games for the money, and I don't cry about losing money if games are called off. I do them because I enjoy refereeing so much, and will take as many games as I can for that reason. Money is a bonus.
You're a disgrace to your colleagues, the beautiful game and yourself @RegalRef

You clown :rolleyes:

To me I actually do better with an AM/PM arrangement than Saturday afternoon then Sunday morning, simply because from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning my legs seize up and I need a few tins of WD40 for the morning to get going. On an AM:pM set up my body hasn't realised the kicking it's getting until the evening :D
You lot have got it easy, when I was a Level 7 (2011/12) you only found out you had an assessor just after kick off when he would emerge from the bushes, you learn to scour the undergrowth for older looking referee types in the AFA
Think yourself lucky, at least you an assessor was there - that means they failed....

In the 1980's, the mark of a good assessor was not to be seen at all. They turned up, watched you and the first you know you had been assessed was when it came though the post (no email back then, proper delays).
I still remember my first assessment season. 16 years ago. 3 assessments, all completed by :ninja: assessors. Took 2 weeks to get them through, first you knew about it was when it arrived on your doorstep.
I still remember my first assessment season. 16 years ago. 3 assessments, all completed by :ninja: assessors. Took 2 weeks to get them through, first you knew about it was when it arrived on your doorstep.
Didn't hold you back ...m
The clip board is always the give away. Normal people don't turn up to football games with a clipboard. Whilst dressed in camouflage to blend in with the bushes.


"Does that bush look likes its writing something down on a clipboard?" ;)
You lot have got it easy, when I was a Level 7 (2011/12) you only found out you had an assessor just after kick off when he would emerge from the bushes, you learn to scour the undergrowth for older looking referee types in the AFA
An exact argument I had with Mr Cooke himself, although only after I had my L4 and was on development group!