Just seen one of the funniest things to happen on a football pitch

On a side note

Does anybody else find keepers can be the mouthiest players on the team?

Had both keepers in the book for dissent at the weekend :oops::rolleyes:
Keepers for me come in 2 varieties; The waste of space mouthy gits and those guys who are pure gems. Mad as a box of frogs but funny and personable. Always good for a laugh and easy to chat with.
A&H International
Keepers for me come in 2 varieties; The waste of space mouthy gits and those guys who are pure gems. Mad as a box of frogs but funny and personable. Always good for a laugh and easy to chat with.

You always tend to find they're either
A) Good with their hands
B) Good with their feet
C) Good with neither

VERY rare you see one that's good with both!
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In the case of my game today:

Both 50 plus and couldn't catch a cold

Game finished 3-3 and every single goal was a keeper howler.
You always tend to find they're either
A) Good with their hands
B) Good with their feet
C) Good with neither
I started very much as an "A", and now I'm moving toward "B" with age. I think that I hit my absolute high point (as in, decently good at both) a bit over a year ago...
You always tend to find they're either
A) Good with their hands
B) Good with their feet
C) Good with neither

VERY rare you see one that's good with both!
Throughout my playing career I would say I consistently played as many games as an outfield player as I did in goal. So maybe I was one of those rare ones. :rolleyes:
Changing subject slightly, don't you hate it when keepers take as long as possible when getting the ball and taking a goal kick or free kick in order to waste time as much as possible.
Changing subject slightly, don't you hate it when keepers take as long as possible when getting the ball and taking a goal kick or free kick in order to waste time as much as possible.

Can be time for a much needed breather. I hate it more when other players are moaning about it from the second the ball crosses the goal line for a goal kick.
Can be time for a much needed breather. I hate it more when other players are moaning about it from the second the ball crosses the goal line for a goal kick.

....which they only start doing when they are losing - up to then of course, no one bats an eye lid!:rolleyes: